Sunday, December 12, 2010

And The Snow Came

Just as predicted the snow fell.
A cold, wind-blown driving snow, with no sign of deminishing any time soon.

The closest I came to any outside Christmas decorating, was hanging the wreaths on the windows, hindered by my scarf and gloves, it was the best I could do.

Nightfall will soon descend, don't forget our little feathered friends, and offer them an extra scoop of seed ~

Announced by all the trumpets of the sky,
Arrives the snow, and, driving o'er the fields,
Seems nowhere to alight: the whited air
Hides hills and woods, the river, and the heaven,
And veils the farmhouse at the garden's end.
The sled and traveller stopped, the courier's feet
Delayed, all friends shut out, the housemates sit
Around the radiant fireplace, enclosed
In a tumultuous privacy of storm.
The Snow Storm ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


Peggy Montano & Paintings said...

Yes, we are getting snow around these parts south of you.
I like the snow falling in your blog. How do you get that?

Sharon said...

It looks so pretty coming down sideways in the wind, my DH says that the driveway is already quite slick. The temp is dropping, this will be around a day or two. Jill wants to go out and then she wants to come right back in, she is puzzled again this year, about this white stuff that is so cold!

I hope you are warm and snug!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Snowy and cold here too, Jo. I have been feeding the birds all day. AND---they have flocked to the feeders all day long...Poor little things. Wish I had a warm place for them to stay!

Stay WARM tonight.

Verde Farm said...

So beautiful. Wreaths on the windows are my favorite Christmas decoration. I bet it looks wonderful. Stay warm and enjoy the inside :)

Dee said...

Sunday blessings...i do think you deserve a gold star for the prettiest Christmas blog. Love the header and falling snow and music. ♥

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I think where I am in Virginia is the only place that has avoided the snow but not the cold. I'm glad you're all cozy inside and Oliver too I'm sure. ~Stay safe!~

Kay said...

I've heard that the weather in the mid-west is really bad. Would you believe it's 82 deg. here in SoCal right now? It's like summer.


Carol said...

Nashville and surrounding communities is turning into a driving nightmare for many because of the hills. We got home safely but others are not quite so fortunate.
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

floweringmama said...

I'm a new follower from Betsy and Sunny's blogs. I must say your blog is beautifiul with the Christmas pictures and the falling snow. Very well done.

I'm your Kentucky neighbor! We've got a bit of snow here too.

Hope to see you over in my part of blogland.


DJan said...

I can barely keep up with my feathered friends. They are at my feeders en masse! Stay warm, my friend, and snuggled up near the fire.

Carolina Mountains said...

This is the second storm with high winds and my wreath keeps blowing off the door! Stay warm and safe.

jerilanders said...

I am enjoying it immensely. It is so beautiful and tranquil here.I don't suppose I would be so content if I had to travel, though. So happy to be snug at home.

Smocha said...

My birds all blew away out here in Denmark .

Unknown said...

Our birds flock to the feeders too and some seem to just stay at the trough! Lovely photos.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the snow did a good job of decorating your sweet little bird house.

George said...

The snow (and cold) came to the Plateau as well. We're essentially snow-bound, or rather ice-bound. Only emergency vehicles are to be on the roads in the Glade today.