Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bringing Home The Tree

"Christmas--that magic blanket that wraps itself about us,
that something so intangible that it is like a fragrance.
It may weave a spell of nostalgia.
Christmas may be a day of feasting, or of prayer,
but always it will be a day of remembrance
--a day in which we think of everything we have ever loved."

~ Augusta E. Rundell


Sharon said...

Very cool picture! Nice poem too.

Custom Comforts said...

So elequently said. Your posts are always the essence of Christmas and its warm memories.

Country Gal said...

Nice picture and post.
Have a warm and happy day !

Barbara Anne said...

So true!

Holiday hugs!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forget the tree, i want the dog and the pony

Louise said...

Ha ha! I just read Sandra's comment, and that was my first thought, too. Beautiful picture.

Unknown said...

So pretty! I loved to read about your memories of Christmases back home in England. Believe me, my thoughts are turning towards my childhood holiday celebrations and as I get older I love to share more of it with my children.
It's part nostalgia and sentimental feelings, but a certain melancholy and a bit of being homesick in such times!
All our family is back in Europe! We miss them!

Thanks for a sweet post!

Betsy Brock said...

Oh..I love that picture and the words fit perfectly! :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Love that photo, Jo.... And the poem is NEAT.

Hope you (and we) don't get the ICE tonight.


George said...

I really like the sentiments in your quote. The picture is just great.

karen said...

Someone let that pooch in...she looks cold.
Beautiful header image. Always a delight to stop in.

Verde Farm said...

So pretty and I love the poem :)

Zahra Youssry said...

Wonderful cards

Unknown said...

Both lovely, but the painting is truly nostaliga itself.

Patsy said...

Lovely photo and poem !
Are you snowed in yet?

Christine said...

So perfect for the season. Love this post Jo.

Debbie Taillieu said...

Beautiful post.....reminds me of when we would go out every year after Thanksgiving and cut down our Christmas tree in the Nevada mountains for 30 years! Now I live in Las Vegas and you just can't do that there.
Happy Holidays!