Saturday, December 11, 2010

They're Off.

Not a minute too soon, with forecasts of snow and icy conditions over the next few days, I took a trip to the post office early this morning and posted off the Christmas cards.

Mostly to relatives and friends in England, and other parts of the U.S.A.
It seems each year, there are fewer and fewer to make out, as my address list continues to shrink.
I think it is still an important part of the overall Christmas goodwill, and look forward to catching up on people's comings and goings throughout the year.

Don't you agree ?


Unknown said...

I agree! Friends and family move away and we get so busy with our lives, the only time we communicate is through Christmas cards. Sad that it's that way, but also very special to me.

I mailed my cards today too. I want eveyone to know I'm thinking about them and I love them. And of course wishing them many blessings this Christmas and in the New Year.

George said...

It's always good to catch up with friends at Christmas. We've got our cards out as well. Be careful this weekend.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I'm one who still loves to send and receive Christmas cards and letters. I started writing a Christmas letter in 1995 (before I met George) --and have continued that tradition to this day..

I notice that we get fewer and fewer cards each year though--and that is sad to me. The 'snail mail' letters and cards are almost outdated these days... But---getting a Christmas card or letter is so much more important to me than getting a e-card.... Call me old-fashioned.


Sharon said...

I try keeping up with everyone, throughout the year, especially Birthdays, Anniversaries and the "feel bad" times, as well as the holidays.

We are really in for it? That rain right now is just cold, I hope we don't get ice!

Stay warm!

Sunny said...

A friend of mine is emailing Christmas Wishes this year. To me it's just not the same as getting a card in the mail.
I always look forward to my Christmas mail, sometimes it's the only time I hear from old friends, so I totally agree with you :)
☼ Sunny

L. D. said...

I really like to help my wife send out cards as I really like to catch up with those who are far away. We tend to be too busy to keep in touch but Christmas is a great time to do so.

Deb said...

It is another one of my Christmas traditions, to keep in touch with friends and family and if possible add a few pictures of new family members (that includes pets). I so enjoy your posts and hope you are basking in the warmth of Christmas. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5

Deanna said...

I enjoy receiving and sending Christmas cards each year.

My list continues to shrink and I am a bit saddened by this...and yet I rejoice during this time of year because we celebrate a savior born that can free us from bondages and give ever lasting life.

Merry Christmas to you,
d from homehaven

Barbara Anne said...

I love Christmas cards and still send many. Like you, my list is shrinking but I still send them out! We put the tree up today so Christmas cards are next. The international cards were mailed last Tuesday.

It's raining here but cold. Happily, it's not cold enough for snow or ice.

Take care!


~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I love sending and getting holiday cards but am always late getting them out--Last year they arrived by New Year's...The year before it was Valentine's day. I wonder what it will be this year? :-)

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

I agree Jo. I still have mine to send off to England Ireland Canada and here in the States...should be ready by Monday YEAY! Hopefully they'll get them before Christmas. I love your new header picture...very pretty. Enjoy the rest of your weekend...
Maura :)

DeniseinVA said...

Most definitely. Sending and receiving cards are a much loved part of my Christmas.

The Redneck Rosarian said...

My sweet mama taught me the importance of sending Christmas & Birthday cards. I found just how important one year when I was called to the home of an elderly church member who lived alone. She had passed away in the night and on her bedside table was a card my wife and I had sent her two years earlier, her son said she cherished that card. I never fail to send them. Thank God for wise mamas!

Michael said...

Jom I do so love to get cards but rarely do. Christmas one from Engladn or English styled one have to be my fave. I will show my card got this year on my blog come xmas day but I'd love to see waht you chose. I am sure it is full of good tasts.

Unknown said...

I agree, we have all our relatives and many friends overseas and all over the world. Greetings go out regularly by snail mail....
And we have all those colorful cards around a large mirror in the dining room, so they remind us...

New York is freezing, but no snow yet!

xoxo Victoria

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

I think the physical Christmas cards still delivers the warm holiday feeling compared to those electronic ones..

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful header card and i like that post box, never seen one like it. looks very old.

Stella Jones said...

Yes, most definitely. My list is shrinking too. The cost of postage over here is colossal this year but I have family in Holland and I don't want to miss them out. I used to send about 60 cards, but it's a lot less than that nowadays.
I try to put a photo in with the card and a little message to people a long way away. This year that was easy because I have my new grandson to brag about!
Blessings, Star

Betsy Brock said...

It seems to be a dieing tradition, doesn't it? And like you, my list has greatly shrunk over the years.