Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Flowers and Old Locks..

No significant rainfall in almost three weeks now, makes for dull flower-gazing.
Everything, is showing signs of being in the final blooming stage, the majority are just plain straggly.

The flowers on the porch are still healthy, sheltered and watered everyday makes a difference.

The only flower showing new signs of growth are the Heavenly Blue Morning Glories, I am in awe of their color.

I have a fondness for old locks and keys, they always make me wonder what discarded old homestead they once protected.


DJan said...

Wonderful pictures! Funny, when I read the caption for the post I thought "old locks" would be locks of hair and laughed when I saw how wrong I was. You have such an eye for beauty and it sure comes through in the pictures. I feel all "prettied up." Thanks.

Patsy said...

We have had some popcorn showers but my garden looks the same. Just summers end I guess.

Anonymous said...

Your photos are lovely! Everything is soo green! Compared to whre I live in SO Calif, everything is dry and brown or burnt!

Andora said...

Yeah,those morning glories are beautiful..Your porch looks very comfy...great pics..

Wanda..... said...

We are in need of rain too here in Southern Ohio and I need to plant morning glories next year. I have a pair of skeleton keys that fit doors in my grandparents home.

Michael said...

I read your blog on Sarah;s about transpanting here and finding someone from Chester. how nice. Me on the other hand.? I have never ever met anyone who actually grew up in inner London like myself. Such peeps don't move to Colorado. I was nuts and desperate, what can I say?!

I wish I had just one friend from my old home who has been here as long. It would be so nice. Oh well.

L. D. said...

I think those locks are subliminal reminders of the door and key in Alice in Wonderland. That is a great blue color. Great shots...

2 Dogs said...

All my one million black-eyed Susan's have faded away. :-) Everything looks blah! I did buy some mums for the front porch and my ferns are still pretty. I'm planting some ground cover that should come back next year. I'll probably mow the yard this weekend and that may be the last time this year.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Jo, We've had quite a bit of rain this week---after going through a long period of nothing much.

Your flowers still look great --and I LOVE your porch. I would sit there with my laptop all day long!!!! ha

The Morning Glories are so pretty. Love their color.

I love the old lock and key... It reminds me of some of the old buildings in my past--which had something very similar.


George said...

We went through a dry couple of weeks up here on the Plateau, but had some over the weekend. Our roses are looking pretty good. I really like your morning glory -- the color is awesome.

Flat Creek Farm said...

Your old lock is lovely! And the heavenly color of the morning glories - delightful. Thank you for sharing! -Tammy

Sunny said...

The Morning Glories look lovely. The old lock is fascinating, if it could only speak!
Sunny :)

Far Side of Fifty said...

Those Morning Glories are so very pretty! Love those old door knobs..:)

Anonymous said...

We haven't had rain here either for quite a while and it is reeking havoc on my plants! Love the color of your morning glory--such a beautiful and vibrant blue!

Victoria said...

Hello! Oh My Gosh your blog is so charming and has stolen my heart! I am Italian with a Brit-soul! ha ha!! So I love everything here, your pictures are so beautiful! keep creating! I will visit often.

Carol Murdock said...

My flowers are winding down too! They know an early fall is here! :)