I was kindly given a new blog award from fellow blogger Dave over at
The "Your blog is bloody brilliant" Award, was designed and created by Melissa @ Smitten by Britain http://smittenbybritain.blogspot.com/
Dave is an absolute riot.
His writings reflect his British sense of humor, always entertaining, and" 'tell- it like- it is" style. He thinks I'm posh because my hometown is Cheshire, England, don't let him sway you... I enjoy a meat pie and custard tart, as good as the next fellow.
In true "Share the Love" style, I am passing this award along to eight fellow bloggers.
Carol @ The Writers Porch http://thewritersporch.blogspot.com/
Betsy @ Joyful Reflections http://betsyfromtennessee.blogspot.com/
Sarah @ Brit Gal in the USA http://www.britgalusa.com/
Sunny @ Barnyards and Barnacles http://www.barnyardsandbarnacles.com/
Andora @ Life on Sunny Ridge http://andoraslife.blogspot.com/Pastor Sharon@ Dances With God http://danceswithgod.blogspot.com/
Wanda @ Moments of Mine http://wanda-momentsofmine.blogspot.com/
Denise @ an English Girl Rambles http://anenglishgirlrambles.blogspot.com/
Congratulations, and don't forget to pass the award along !
Thank you my dear sweet friend!!
I Bloody love it! :)
Nice to see my blog award button making the rounds. Thanks for sharing the love.
Hi Jo, That is a very special award.. Congrats to you for getting it---and thanks for passing it on to me. That is so special---receiving it from a "Brit".... You are just so special...
Thanks again.. This means so much. I will proudly display it on my sidebar with your name.
I'm truly honored, thank you so much.
It's smashing by Jove!
Sunny :)
I'm so sorry, in my excitement I forgot to say Concrats on your getting the award, you certainly are deserving of it.
Sunny :)
Bloody brilliant mate! ;-)
Thank you sooooo much! I think this is bloody sweet of you! Did I use that word in the right context? I hope so! Can a pastor say bloody in that context? I hope so! LOL
This award is a real treat! I've never gotten anything British before!
THanks mate!
What a bloody great award, and so deserving. Also, your choices to pass it on are brilliant.
THANK YOU ,THANK YOU,for giving this to me,this is my first award..so excited..and congrats on yours..see you next post..
Congrats on your award...your blog certainly deserves recognition...and thank you so very much for sharing it with me...I'm very thankful!
Smiles to you,
Congrats on the award. That's too cute!!
Thank you Jo, I am delighted to be included. I am very bad about passing on awards being the forgetful, ever-so-procrastinator that I am, but I will do my best to turn over a new leaf. Congratulations on receiving it. Your blog is such a fun place to visit.
Congrats on your award. You deserve it - you have a lovely and informative blog.
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