The temperature soared to 93 degrees today, and humidity almost unbearable.
Too hot to be working outside, and so when I received a phone call from my granddaughter inviting me to accompany her and watch the new Meryl Streep movie, I jumped at the chance.

Based on two true stories Julie and Julia is a delightful story which intertwines the life of two women. Julia Child, played by Meryl Streep, and Amy Adams, as Julie Powell.
Julia Child (Meryl Streep) is an absolute riot in her role as the American housewife living with her husband in Paris, France. She enrolls in the prestigious Le Cordon Bleu cooking school, and from there her future is set.
Julie Powell (Amy Adams), is the young New York newlywed, working a nine to five job in the city, who decides to set herself a parallel with Julia Child, and cook every recipe in her cook-book, while simultaneously, writing a daily blog about the recipes.
A lovely afternoon spent in the company of a loved one, inside an air conditioned theater...life doesn't get any better ;)
Sounds like you made memories and enjoyed a great day inside where it's cool. Would you recommend this movie to people who do not enjoy cooking? I am a huge Movie Buff. However, if I can't make up the recipe or follow something from memory, I don't usually fool around with a recipe book. I'm thinking of going to see the movie though.
We just watched Mamma Mia tonight because it is a light, funny, well done flick. The water scenes made us feel cooler, and you can't take life too seriously when you watch this movie. I remember when Merle Streep played an old woman in the movie Hamlet so many years ago. She is so talented at becoming whomever she is suppose to be.
I was supposed to go to this movie on Friday with a friend but we postponed it until later. I will see anything with Meryl Streep anyway, but I also wonder, do I need to appreciate cooking to like this movie? Would you recommend it to anyone?
Pastor Sharon: I enjoyed this movie,not so much the liking to cook part, but just the way Meryl Streep is able to portray Julia Child....perfectly.
She has her accent down pat. Just a sweet little movie, no swearing, well maybe twice, and a pleasure to watch, with NO violence.
Similar to You Got Mail, a movie I loved.
L.B. I think I could watch Meryl Streep in anything, especially Out of Africa.
DJan. If you're interested in cooking, I would think it would be a plus, but if not, the story itself, is interesting, and entertaining.
What a fun time! I can't wait to see the movie, Meryl Streep is such a wonderful actress and I was such a fan of Julia Child.
Sunny :)
Hey Jo, glad you stayed cool! I heard the movie was great and NO one beats Meryl Streep!
Thanks for this Gill. Not sure whether it's available here but I'll keep an eye out. The only films my grandchildren want to watch are Harry Potter. Mind you I do love the films but the earlier ones were better. Who knows if I watch this I may get interested in cooking again. I hate it.
I watch lots of TV programmes about cooking and think, I'll have a go at that. I rarely do. Once I did make a Bill Grainger recipe (I love that Aussie and his food), Portuguese tarts and they were delicious. Too delicious!
Sunny: You are correct, I think Meryl Streep is one of the best on the circuit.
Just so natural.
Carol: Yes, stayed cool...after a couple of days out in the sun working, I was glad of it ;)
Winifred: My granddaughter is eighteen so this movie is not for young people, I wouldn't think it would be fast enough for them. However, if your grandchildren are older, then it's a nice afternoon/evening of entertainment.
Hi Jo, Thanks for the review. Another blogger also saw the movie and also loved it. We don't go to many movies these days--but maybe we'll just have to go to this one. I always liked Julia Childs.
Have a wonderful day.
I heard great things about this movie! I can't wait to see it.
I saw the movie on Saturday and liked it so much. Food, blogging, Paris and Meryl Streep. So enjoyed it!
Glad you liked the movie and got a chance to cool down.....I had heard bad reviews of the movie, so it is good someone out there likes it.
I want to see this movie.
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