Thursday, June 6, 2024

Knee Deep In June

Tell you what I like the best --
'Long about knee-deep in June,
'Bout the time strawberries melts
On the vine, -- some afternoon
Like to jes' git out and rest,
And not work at nothin' else!"

~ James Witcomb Riley : Knee Deep in June


Jon said...

Knee Deep in June made me smile. I never heard that one before. I'm just glad that we're not knee deep in snow!

Sandi said...

Your porch is beautiful!

Rian said...

Hard to believe June is already upon us and going by fast. The warm weather and stormy nights are definitely here. But the rains have kept our temps down a bit... no triple digits yet. I've been out repotting this morning. It was in the 70's earlier, but is already heating up.

Lowcarb team member said...

Enjoy your June days.

All the best Jan

L. D. said...

You always deck out your porch with ferns and they look so good.