Sunday, February 19, 2012

Snow Day

Just as predicted, the snow came...
Huge wet snowflakes, that magically transformed the earth, now blanketed and white.
Yesterday I noticed how many birds had reappeared from their Winter nests, chirping and busying themselves about the landscape, the milder weather had stirred their souls.

Today, they are silenced once again.


Country Gal said...

Lovely post and photo ! Have a good day !

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Our weathermen got our forecast all wrong, so I wish I was at your house enjoying a cup of tea and the snow!! :-)

Susie said...

Today here is sunny and pretty...but nippy. 30 days till Spring...I am ready.:):) smiles, Susie(She Junks)

Anonymous said...

nothing like a snow to bring "the sounds of silence"!

Michelle said...

Beautiful photo! We were supposed to get that snow here in central KY, but it skipped us. :(

Anne said...

My mom lives in Nashville, and when we spoke on the phone today, she said it was snowing. Tennessee is especially gorgeous with a blanket of snow. Enjoy the beauty while it lasts, which surely won't be long.

Sharon said...

Snow? You got snow?

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

The birds, poor birds went hiding again!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Your snow is beautiful , but sad that Kim at Golden Pines did not get any. Maybe you could send her some.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this time of year it should not last long and the birds will be singing again.

La Maison des Plaines said...

Good Day! Jo,

So far we are having Spring-like conditions. Hope that keeps up! However, I do love all season's.

Love your sweet post.

Have a beautiful week!

Susan Freeman said...

Beautiful scene! Stay warm and cozy indoors.

Susan and Bentley

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Jo---Love your snow picture.. We had about 2 inches up here and I got out and took a bunch of pictures....Loved it since it was the prettiest snow we have had this winter...

Yes---the birds and our spring flowers just 'thought' it was SPRING.... ha


DeniseinVA said...

Now I know who got the snow! It was predicted here but none came. Always makes a lovely backdrop for photographs, this one is lovely.

cheshire wife said...

I am feeling a bit cheated. We haven't had any snow this winter and they are forecasting temperatures of 16C for Thursday.

Ann Summerville said...

We haven't had any snow to speak of this year which makes up for being snowed in for a week in 2011. Unfortunately the insects have all grown to Texas size during the mild weather - we're in for a bad summer.