"The hazy, cloudless skies of Indian Summer.
Leaves scurrying down the street before the wind.
The cold shiver from an arctic blast.
Indian Summer. The last warmth of the sun.
Chilly mornings and glorious warm afternoons.
The Harvest Moon. The Hunter's Moon. The Rainy Season.
Dry corn stalks clattering in the wind.
The touch of frost on grass and window pane.
The smell of burning leaves."
~ Keith C. Heidorn
I brought our corn stalks in today as the rain has now come in. We had harvest so we took up the pumpkins to decorate with the corn....the seasons move on.
Such a beautiful photo. I love this time of year. It's getting cooler and the trees are bursting with colour. Oh, if it would only last.
Enjoy your Sunday. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4
Hello Jo...We had a nip of frost also here in central Indiana. Teddy covered his prize tomato plant.The boy is killing me :):) He's so proud of that monster plant. Hope you are enjoying your Autumn so far. Smiles to you my friend,Susie
It will be a while before we see any frost. The leaves are starting to fall but tnere not changing color yet.
Great photo.
What a beautiful photo and verse! No frost here and but that feel of fall is definitely in the air here in Virginia!
I am guessing the beauty of it makes it worth it. we had a wonderful 60 at wake up.
We were spared frost this morning here on the upper Cumberland Plateau, and today has been spectacular. Sun, cool temperature, and color beginning to show. Tomorrow we check out the South Cumberland.
This is why I look forward to your posts. Lovely.
Beautiful! It is getting really cold here at night now last night it went down to 3 degrees celcius ! BRRRR ! Have a wonderful eve.
Finally has arrived, and what a wonderful picture of season change !
Dear Jo ~ you always put me in the finest mood!
Susan and Bentley
Oh what a gorgeous photo!
As we sit here, your beautiful music is playing. Its so peaceful to come here,, sit a spell and read your words.
Yes, it is fall...and everything you described is happening.
Ohhh now to take this music to bed with us,, and let it float our worries away
We had a few very cold mornings --but no frost on the plateau yet.... We hope we won't have a frost anytime soon --because our roses are so pretty right now.
A wonderful shot with great color and texture. Good job.
absolutely marvellous!
i love it!
i also love your blog.
dropping by sandra's blog to say hi!
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