I confess to being a tea addict, it's the first thing that passes my lips in a morning and the last thing at night, even going so far as taking a cuppa to bed with me.
I got the addiction honestly, and put it down to all those times we English children were offered milky tea in our bottles as we were growing up.
Yes, they start us at an early age.
~Author Unknown
I only drink herbal tea anymore and have only one single pot left, but it's an old friend.
I like both that you have shown!
Hello Jo,
Love your teapots. So charming. I like tea to be strong enough to taste, how about you? I honestly do not know if I have had a proper cup yet.:):)Smiles to you , Susie
As Brits with a similar addiction...totally in agreement. Day doesn't start until after my cuppa!
WOW ! You are just like Papa and I total tea Granny's lol Nothing better then a cup of tea and I was raised as an English child as well due to my mum and dad were English and we were given milky tea in our bottles. I can live with out a lot of things but not with out my tea. Last sentance of this post ( OH SOOO TRUE ) !Have a wonderful eve.
I can relate to that. I feel the same about my coffee, And no one can make it like me, and no other brand will do but my brand. Do you find that others may try but they will never measure up to the way you make it. LOL
I would love to try a cup of yours.
I always love the music on your website
I love my Blue Willow teapot too! Although, mine is more "short and stout." Yours is a lovely design. I'm American, born and bred Southerner, but I too started my children on a milky chamomile and honey whenever they grew gassy, colicky, or whiney with tummy aches. They've now graduated to black teas and spice teas, and they haven't even graduated from kindergarten yet. Guess you can tell my guilty pleasure.
They are both lovely! I love the changing of the seasons with things on our homes. It's a lovely ritual to put one to sleep and bring out the next! :)
The blue willow is SO different... and beautiful, too. But I will always secretly love the pansies. :-)
What a sweet ritual.
And do tell us Jo, how do you take your tea? Lemon, honey, milk? I wish I could love hot tea. It just wasn't ever offered when I was growing up. Do you drink all different kinds? I bought these little pea sized royal jelly/honey pearls in Paris and I lugged them back home. I guess they would be wonderful in a cup of tea. I'll drink an Earl Grey bag of tea my daughter brought back from England and use the pearl tomorrow. Maybe I'll just start a new tradition.
My wife is the tea drinker in the family, with a routine that sounds a lot like yours. Jim
Such beautiful teapots Jo. When my friend Rose was visiting I drank more tea in two weeks than I did in two months. The kettle was always on for a cuppa and there were never ending chats across the kitchen table while we were drinking it. What a lovely ritual it is, starting off the day drinking a cup of tea with a friend and ending it in the same way.
a great addiction to have, much better than mine for coffee. and you also get to use beautiful tea pots, and mine is an ugly coffee pot.
I am a tea addict too! Although my addiction is more recent, I never really liked it as a child. I love that quote and your teapots are lovely.
Beautiful teapots Jo! While I don't drink a lot of tea, I memories of my Mom giving it to me as a kid when I wasn't feeling well. Even now when I don't I'll fix me a cup.
I love sweet iced tea. In the south, they start us on that early.
I remember my little brother having watered down sweet tea in his bottle. Crazy these days. No one would probably do that. But, he grew up well, even though he drank sweet iced tea from a bottle in 1980.
I am an addict. It is the first think to pass my lips every morning and I take my glass to bed every night as well.
Me too... and quite a lot of varieties from our local BOH Tea factory at the highlands ...
I was not raised on tea-except iced. But how I adore it now! And of course, one must change pots with the seasons. And yes, I am raising my wee ones on tea, well, herbal tisanes mostly.
I'm a Southern girl who still finds the thought of sweet tea comforting. I live in the Pacific Northwest now and, of course, they've never heard of it. I order Lyon's Tea online and love brewing my afternoon cup of hot tea...in one of my treasured teapots.
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