Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Real optimism is aware of problems but recognizes solutions;
Knows about difficulties but believes they can be overcome;
Sees the negatives, but accentuates the positives;
Is exposed to the worst but expects the best;
Has reason to complain, but chooses to smile.

~William Arthur Ward


Country Gal said...

WOW! Never seen a field like that how pretty ! Lovely post and photo ! Have a good day !

Sharon said...

Love the lavender field - the smell is probably overpowering to anyone not used to being around that much.

This will be my last year with my lavender plant, it's just too old and fragile. Sad to see it go.

BTW, I have quite a few glories, I couldn't keep up with them when it got so hot, they again trying to take over the porch. I am pinching off blossoms now, I don't want any more volunteers.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am speechless with wonder, what a spectacular sight.

John'aLee said...

Love it! What a gorgeous photo!

Ann Summerville said...

Words to live by. As always, beautiful picture.

Rebecca said...

Such a great quote! Being a "natural" pessimist, I think I shall put it somewhere where I am reminded to choose an optimistic approach rather than falling back to my "default" setting.

Oh, those fields of lavender. I thought I smelled the scent coming off my laptop screen :)

Stella Jones said...

My lavender is out at the moment and covered in bees. Love the quote you gave us today.

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

What a wonderful definition of the word optimism! I think I'll write that down and keep it...thanks for sharing the photo too.
Maura :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Optimism is very important for all of us ---especially at times when life hands us situations we cannot deal with... It's hard but it's best to continue being optimistic during these times.

Unknown said...

Stunning shot and the verse is perfect!

Gerry Snape said...

I thought this's not the sun I crave...just home from Spain at that it's the blue!
I adore Lavender so thanks for such a blue post!

Stephanie said...

A picture really is worth a thousand words! Georgous!

DJan said...

Oh! Oh! I can smell that field from here! How absolutely beautiful!!!

Unknown said...

What beauty. I have no idea what they are but, Beautiful

Unknown said...

Now why can't I grow Lavendar like that Jo?!

Terry said...

How beautiful! Is that in the US?

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

A very amazing field !

Katherines Corner said...

lovely post and photo. Love that beautiful purple. Hugs!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I really try to remain optimistic and seeing and taking in a beautiful lavender field would certainly help that!!

DeniseinVA said...

A powerful post Jo, what very wise words. I also loved that lavender field photo. If I came across such a sight I think I would walk around with my mouth open. I love the scent of lavender and remember as a child going into my grandmother's lingerie drawer with my sister and loving all those lacy things with sachets of lavender placed among the frillies. Yes I was a nosy little thing but nanny gave us her blessing first. She was quite proud of her frillies.

Thanks for stopping by my earthquake post and leaving those very sweet comments. You are such a good friend.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Yes,,,please put on a kettle.. then lets walk in the lavender fields... so beautiful.
the words of wisdom are very wise.