Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sailors Delight

“Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky in morning, sailor’s warning”

The Bluebirds nested and laid their eggs in the barn wood box.
The squirrels stole them, not once but twice. I've decided to move the box elsewhere.

The Canna Lilies are in bloom, the Japanese Beetles seem to enjoy them as much as we do, it's a constant struggle to gain control.


Country Gal said...

Wonderful photos and post . Have a good day !

Louise said...

Wow! Those lilies are gorgeous. I hope that the move helps the little bluebirds raise a family.

Stacy said...

Jo, it sounds like you're having some of the same battles I was having a few weeks ago. It seems that our Japanese Beetles are fading here though, so that's good news. Hang in there... it will improve!

Beautiful post/photos, just the same. It actually makes me feel better to know that someone with such a beautiful garden as yours encounteres some of the same pest & hardships as I do. Not that I'd wish them on you though! :)

DJan said...

What a cool tire! And the post again made me feel all warm and fuzzy... :-)

donna baker said...

I never knew that squirrels would take bird eggs. Wonder if they also would take the babies? Bad squirrels!

Unknown said...

Those Japanese beetles love anything red.

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

The lilies look glorious!
Those pesky squirrels, I was very surprised to read recently that if there is no other food source squirrels will kill and eat baby birds??? Who knew? I can tell you I look at them in a totally new light now..
Have a great weekend and good luck with the little bluebirds!
Tina xo

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like the lilies in the tire, amazing and i love the green leaves shot. beautiful lilies

Patsy said...

We lost our bluebirds too ,I hope we don't get those old beetles.

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Hi Jo...My Nana used to say that all the time...I've always loved that saying. Your Canna Lilies are looking wonderful. Friends of ours gave us a bunch of Canna Lily bulbs or tubers?...and I planted them around the garden shed/chicken coop last week. They've all popped up but I don't think they'll do much this year. I've never grown them before so I guess we'll see. I hope it's cooler there than it is here in Kansas....tomorrow will be 100. I'm looking forward to fall! Have a great weekend.

Iain said...

Those pesky squirrels - presumably reds? They are a nuisance at times but are also quite endearing at others. We had a particularly tame Red in Sweden that stole the winter bird feed on a daily basis and became quite vocal and agitated when I approached it to issue stern warnings, which simply made it more endearing to me! I think you're right to move the box, though, in the circumstances.

Sharon said...

Beautiful sky shot!

I hope the squirrels leave the birds alone now. Never knew they would do that. said...

When I worked the 11pm to 7am shift I got to see alot of those skies & would quote that saying often.
Since I planted mint & let it bloom,the beetles have let the roses & flowers alone.But I made the mistake of not putting the mint into pots,so I have it everywhere now.I`ve read that somewhere,mint deters Jap.beetles.
Have a beautiful weekend,phyllis

Betsy Brock said...

Japanese Beetles? Ugh. The come here late summer and destroy everything. Any good tips?