A New Year offers us the opportunity to start anew, and adopt healthier and better promises we so faithfully make to ourselves, but fall short of keeping.
I try not to make New Year's resolutions these days.
Just a more common-sense approach to eating better, making wiser choices, being more understanding and forgiving of my fellow man, and taking a little less from this planet we call "home" than I did the previous year.
Just a more common-sense approach to eating better, making wiser choices, being more understanding and forgiving of my fellow man, and taking a little less from this planet we call "home" than I did the previous year.
In the throws of Winter, I find myself dreaming of Spring.
I feast my eyes upon the seed catalogues and books filled with timeless English gardens, brimming over with renewed life and promise.
I wish you much of the same....
I wish you much of the same....
A warm and cheery fire roars merrily
And shadows dance about the darkened room.
Beside the hearth a gardener sits and dreams
Of sunny days, of flowers in full bloom.
Some hollyhocks should tower near the fence,
Bright red. ones that the bees can't help but find.
The trellis at the gate again must wear
Blue morning glories, or the rosy kind.
To lend a bit of distance to the scene,
Close to the rear I'll plant in shades of blue:
The tall and stately larkspur, double ones
Of course I'll put in scabiosa, too.
I couldn't do without a pansy bed
Snapdragons make such beautiful bouquets
Frilled zinnias and yellow marigolds
Add just the proper touch to autumn days.
The flowers grow and bloom with loveliness
Until a sound destroys the fantasy
A burning ember falls and I must leave
My garden and my charming reverie.
~ Helen Bath Swanson
Simplify...that's a perfect goal!
I hope it's a wonderful year filled with lots of flowers and birds and just everything that makes you smile. Happy 2011!!
Still working on the simplify - I would like it all gone before Spring! I am shooting for it anyway!
What a precious picture--it makes me happy inside. I too am ready for spring and dreaming of seeds, flowers and little green heads pushing through the dirt. My favorite time of year actually :)
That is a great goal, happy new year!
I love your sensible idea of just doing what you do BETTER each year... Writing resolutions usually doesn't work.. For most of us, we just need to make some lifestyle changes to make us healthier and happier.
Thanks for a great post...
A lovely poem. Your commitments are great. Just being a better person all around is a great feat in itself. Like you, I've been pouring over magazines and such dreaming of spring. We've gotten so much snow, that I'm tired of it, but I'm also grateful for the rest from gardening to give me the enthusiasm to start back up again. I hope you had a great New Year's! BTW, I changed the domain name to my blog. I didn't like the old name, so I can now be found at www.MyLiveLaughBlog.com. I hope to see you around!
Beautiful artwork
Best Regards
I walked in the woods today. Each year I look for signs of spring, knowing winter will go on hard for the next two months and more. But, I scuffled around anyway and lo, did I see my daffodils up about three inches from the ground. It was a good day.
Nice, reflective poem! Yes, I am also ready to begin my garden anew, but April is months away....
A beautiful poem.... so much so I had forgotten about the fire; and got lost in the garden :) Have a blessed new year!
What a sensible and achievable goal: being a bit better, wiser, and more intentional in living your life. Me, too.
This poem paints such a lovely word-picture. Seed catalogs are arriving here, too, and the last bit of snow melted yesterday.
Ta for adding form to our garden dreams!
I also spend winter days looking through seed catalogs. I really like your idea of simplifying in the year ahead.
I'm going to try really hard to remember your wise words this year....would love to linve "simply "!
Simplify is something we need to all work on starting NOW.
The lovely walk I took as you shared what would be planted where, was lovely.
Sorry it had to end so soon.
A good goal indeed to simplify. Love what you say here too.
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