Monday, May 10, 2010

They're Back....

Is it my imagination or have the Lightning Bugs returned at an earlier time this year ?

As we sat outside in the warm night air, we watched as the darkness of the woods was lit by the twinkling lights and mating rituals of the Lightning Bugs, or Fireflies as known to non-Southerners.
Meeting and creating beautiful luminescence together.

Close your eyes and think back to the long hot summers of childhood.
Playing outside until late in the evening, sitting on the front porch eating ice-cold watermelon slices, listening to the crickets chirp, and the tree frogs sing.

Remember catching Lightning Bugs and keeping them in a Mason jar ? They glowed beside you all night long sitting on your night table......Innocence and childhood going hand in hand.

We cannot recapture our childhood, but we can still enjoy the magic of the Lightning Bugs, nature's living lanterns............

Photo credit: jamelah


DeniseinVA said...

A lovely image Jo. I remember the first time I ever saw them here in the States. One hot summer night driving down to see hubby's family, I saw all these twinkling lights and remember asking him what they were. They were absolutely magical. Happy Mother's Day!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I love lightening bugs, and I thought I saw them last week too...I'll have to look a little bit closer now to be sure I'm not seeing things! :-)

Butternut Squash said...

I remember all of those things... When I lived in Japan, one of my students wrote an essay on the disappearance of lightening bugs from her neighborhood. The Japanese have made concrete rivers so that they can control the waterflow. Nagara river, the last free-flowing river in Honshu was dammed in 1994. I think of lightening bugs as a symbol of a healthy environment. I'm glad to know they're back.

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Hello Jo, I saw fireflies for the first time 10 years ago when I moved from British Columbia to Kansas. They still thrill me. I remember seeing them on television and in movies and as a child I always wanted to see a real one but never did. I haven't seen any yet this year but I'm sure it won't be long until they're out. Love your photo. Have a wonderful Monday.....Maura

Pam said...

Now I'm jealous! If there are any lightening bugs here now they'd have frost bite for sure!!!!

DJan said...

I have never seen them "in person" but only in pictures or in a movie. It must be totally awesome to see them. Thanks for the picture, and I'm sure grateful I can see them that way, at least.

jerilanders said...

We haven't seen any yet, but they are one of the best reasons for May when they do arrive. Each year, I try to photograph them to no avail. I am sorry for those who have never experienced a sky full of those wonderful little twinkly lights. I had only seen one firefly in my life until moving to Tennessee.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I remember! this photo is way cool! the lightning bug shows up really well. I have not seen one in many years, I don't think they live in Florida. i saw them in Georgia

Barbara Anne said...

Ah, the perfect picture of a Southern summer night from my childhood, lightening bugs and The Flashlight Game after dark!

I still love seeing lightening bugs but have seen none this year - yet. It was in the hight 30s*F last night so think they'll wait until it's warmer.

You have such a gift of painting wonderful word pictures. Thank you!


Patsy said...

We saw a few this past week and it does seam early for them.

Rhonda said...

Lucky you have seen the lightning bugs..we have not yet seen them..but I haven't been looking as I didn't expect them this early. At dusk I will keep my eyes open. I do remember catching them as a child and it is still one of my fondest memories.

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

Thanks for evoking such wonderful memories of summer nights growing up in the South! We used to catch lightning bugs and put them in jars with holes poked in the lids for air. I can still remember the pungent odor they left on my hands! Had to go wash up before I had my watermelon!
Stick horse cowgirl V

Barbara said...

Fond memories of Fireflies in New Jersey. Nonehere of course.