Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Spring Rain

The world is wet today
luxurious, damp, drenched
drops hug the leaves,
anoint the still budded lilac blossoms
before their blooming
rich purple and plum
made richer by their watery skin
New leaves under the weight
droplets heavy, hanging
bowing the white pine needles
undersides exposed to drink
drink in the morning
hushed in the rain
temperature near the dewpoint
sprouts of just planted flowers
eager from the parched soil
new puddles bloom too
on the ground, the driveway
collect and gather
without the smell of summer rain yet
tears splash and spread
silent shimmers, heralds, messengers
in the spring rain.
~A Spring Rain : Raymond J. Foss


Patsy said...

And we are sure getting it now ,the wind blew though here dropped big tree limbs thunder and lightning and left a gentle spring rain. Stay watchful

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Jo, We got a little rain today --but not too much. It acted like it was going to rain off and on all day--but it seemed to go around us. Knoxville got quite a bit I think.

Beautiful pictures.... Hope you have a wonderful Monday.

donna baker said...

Jo, you know I detest rain, but your post almost made me like it.

Barbara Anne said...

Lovely photos! We have a gentle spring rain falling now and I couldn't be happier. I can hear the garden smiling!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

we had blessed rain last night and i like this part of the poem
tears splash and spread
silent shimmers, and the world says ahhhhhhhhhhh

Pam said...

Great post with beautiful pics and verse. We've had our share of rain and sounds like it will be finally be getting warmer this week.

Kay said...

Hope all of your flooding is over.

Bonnie said...

Lovely pictures! Poem so fitting. Popped in from John's.

Mage said...

You inspire me.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

The poem is fitting and really fits into what our weather is here in Virginia--Rain the last 2 days. My rain barrel is overflowing, and it's okay!! Hope you're drying out!

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Hello Jo, I think I've seen enough rain this's time for the sun to come out and the temperatures to warm out so we can all get outside! I hope you have a wonderful and hopefully sunny day soon...take care...Maura:)

Anonymous said...

Just want to say what a great blog you got here!
I've been around for quite a lot of time, but finally decided to show my appreciation of your work!

Thumbs up, and keep it going!
