Monday, March 22, 2010

Thoughts of Home

The Manor Farm

The rock-like mud unfroze a little and rills
Ran and sparkled down each side of the road
Under the catkins wagging in the hedge.
But earth would have her sleep out, spite of the sun;
Nor did I value that thin glilding beam
More than a pretty February thing
Till I came down to the old Manor Farm,
And church and yew-tree opposite, in age
Its equals and in size. The church and yew
And farmhouse slept in a Sunday silentness.
The air raised not a straw. The steep farm roof,
With tiles duskily glowing, entertained
The mid-day sun; and up and down the roof
White pigeons nestled. There was no sound but one.
Three cart-horses were looking over a gate
Drowsily through their forelocks, swishing their tails
Against a fly, a solitary fly.
The Winter's cheek flushed as if he had drained
Spring, Summer, and Autumn at a draught
And smiled quietly. But 'twas not Winter—
Rather a season of bliss unchangeable
Awakened from farm and church where it had lain
Safe under tile and thatch for ages since
This England, Old already, was called Merry.

~ Edward Thomas 1878-1917


~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Another lovely verse of a beautiful place that I've only imagined, but would love to see...Enjoy your Monday!

Barbara Anne said...

This is certainly a welcoming home and garden.

The poem paints such an eloquent picture of tranquility and beautiful England. Sending hugs as your thoughts turn homeward.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Absolutely gorgeous, Jo.... I'd love to see that place someday!!!

DeniseinVA said...

A beautiful poem Jo and a lovely picture to go with it. How I would love to live in a place like that and have that garden too. What bliss! I can just about hear the church bells down in the village :)

Thanks for stopping by and yes I remember the daffs in the jam jar given to Mum on Mother's Day. Sweet memories!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Lovely thoughts of merry Old england. I have read that sentence in many a book.

DJan said...

Happy spring! Can I move in there? I love it!

Michael said...

I had not read this before. Beautiful.

maddie said...

And Merrie Olde England is the theme of our fun day this year. We have places like that in this village, but sadly it's not my house. Big enough for a kitchen island but pretty tiny nevertheless.

Peggy Montano & Paintings said...

I have saved that picture in my files for a long time and wished I had painted it. It shows a special place and time.

maddie said...

That looks like a house in my village! But sadly, not mine. Our theme for our village fun day is Merrie Olde England this year, so mob caps and village stocks all round...

cheshire wife said...

England is not as green as your picture, at the moment. The daffodils are starting to come out, at last.

Stella Jones said...

My Auntie Lottie lived in a place like that. My Uncle Dick was a gamekeeper. When I was small I used to go and visit with my mum. He kept black gundogs in cages at the back of the cottage but his pet dogs were allowed into the kitchen and my favourite, a spaniel with long, floppy ears, sat under the kitchen table. Thanks for the memories.
Blessings, Star

Butternut Squash said...

Unspoiled paradise, could you take me there now please?

Richard said...

What a lovely poem!

Anonymous said...

This poem is just delightful and the picture is gorgeous. Your photos on your blog are fantastic. I am really glad I stumbled across your blog.