Thursday, March 11, 2010

Early Spring

"Harshness vanished. A sudden softness
has replaced the meadows' wintry grey.
Little rivulets of water changed
their singing accents. Tendernesses,
hesitantly, reach toward the earth
from space, and country lanes are showing
these unexpected subtle risings
that find expression in the empty trees."

~ Rainer Marie Rilke, Early Spring


Larry said...

Absolutely lovely... and so calming! LC

donna baker said...

I didn't know Rilke wrote of spring. It is coming though. I went out to feed my horse friend (I have to wait until dark so her owner doesn't get mad) and the bullfrogs are singing in full force. And, a cold front came through today and it is cold. Guess they don't mind it.

Anonymous said...

Well chosen verse. The trees are still bare but not long until they blossom - love that time of year :o)

DJan said...

Are you having an early spring like we are here in the PNW? Nice poem!

Patsy said...

And spring will come: color is what I want to show and not gray, winter has been long.

joco said...

Oh, you do have it bad, don't you ;-)
A veritable 'Little England' in your sidebar.
BTW, I always thought it was "sipping lemonade" rather than "sitting in the shade". Maybe that's the next verse :-)
(No milk in mine)

Anonymous said...

Just found your website! It is beautiful! Thanks for allowing this Tennessean living in Texas to go home for a few minutes!

L. D. said...

The hope for spring is soon to come. We will look back and hopefully forget all that winter gave us, the good and the bad. Take care.

Unknown said...

Beautiful and I hope it's right, but it snowed here yesterday!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I would love to walk accross that bridge and eat a picnic lunch on those tables i see peeking out of the trees.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Jo, We came home to find that our Crocuses are 'about' to bloom up here. That would be our first blooms of this spring!!!!! Yeah!

The Retired One said...

Yay, Spring!!!!!
I am soooooo ready for it this year!