Tuesday, October 16, 2012


The old wooden garden bench, half-crumbling away, sits silently
with only a blanket of lichen as it's companion.


donna baker said...

Jo, I have one like it too. Can't sit on it anymore, but I hate to replace the wood.

Susan Freeman said...

Lovely pic Jo!

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley

rusty duck said...

The restorer in me wants to fix it. The romantic in me wants to leave it exactly as it is.

Terry said...

My goodness, you have a great eye for a photo.

tiptoethruphylsgarden.blogspot.com said...

I love how nature decorated it,you are an awesome photographer.phyllis

Dewena said...

I love lichen too! All that variation and shades of color. You captured it beautifully! The bench is a work of art.

Janneke said...

beautiful the lichen on the old bench, leave it and it will turn to dust. The October party poem in your former post is so true with the autumn colours. I like it very much!

Stella Jones said...

...and you've still kept it? My goodness, I've never seen a bench as old and crumbly as that. It looks great in your photo though even in its present state!

DeniseinVA said...

A lot of beauty in that old bench, and growing on it too. Great photo Jo :)