Saturday, August 11, 2012

Summer Chores

"Spring flowers are long since gone.
Summer's bloom hangs limp on every terrace.
The gardener's feet drag a bit on the dusty path and the hinge in his back is full of creaks."-

~Louise Seymour Jones


rusty duck said...

I know exactly how he feels.

Been battling with brambles all day. Extra glass of wine tonight!

Country Gal said...

Lovely photo and fitting words . Have a good day !

Patsy said...

It couldn't have been said better.
This summer has taken it's toll on all of us.

MadSnapper said...

so beautiful and i can feel the peace flowing from the photo.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

A perfect verse for how I know I feel after a day in the garden!!

helen tilston said...

A beautiful image

Wishing you a restful Sunday


Harriet said...

Your photo reminded me of a still life painting. Lovely.

Stella Jones said...

It will soon be time to put the garden to bed. The summer seems to pass so quickly, especially this year. Lovely picture Jo and such appropriate words. The hinge in my back is creaking too these days.

Denise said...

The hinge in his back full of creeks. Hmmmmm.......know how he feels! Lovely photo Jo, have a great week!

Miriam said...

It feels like the hinge in my back is rusted shut!

I am always charmed by your talent for finding exactly the right poem for each special moment - even the creaky ones!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I feel that feeling too.

L. D. said...

I really like this view next to the window. It is a nice place to be.

Lisa Sall - Sall's Country Life said...

Oh thank you for sharing this poem! It's so fitting right now. My husband and I moan and groan every morning till we get the kinks out!