Friday, August 3, 2012

Late Bloomer

The Sedum is in bloom.
It's always a sign that Summer is waning, since it is one of the later plants to share it's flowers.
Not a showy plant, but instead, one that requires very little attention, drought tolerant and will literally grow on a rock.
Border Sedum or Showy Stonecrop is a must for every perennial garden.
The sturdy stems, succulent leaves and clusters of flower buds are attractive all season ...


We had an unexpected visitor to the garden last night, he appeared from under the Foxglove plants, as The First Sergeant was watering.

He literally ran as fast as his little turtle legs would carry him,  to take a bite out of this tomato, and promptly gobbled it down.

The Lantana is the only plant that thrives in the Summer heat. It will continue to bloom until the first frost.

The Bluebirds moved out of the nesting box, and little Jenny Wren moved in.
She's quite the decorator, Blue Jay feathers, Oliver's cat hair, twigs, moss, even the odd piece of twine, all neatly woven into the most intricate of weaving patterns.

Late bloomers are always welcome.


Anonymous said...

Love the turtle.

Do you still give your sedums the Chelsea Chop?

I hack mine down to half their size at the end of May (Chelsea Flower Show). They then grow shorter, and less floppy, and with smaller but more numerous flowers.

Jessica, South West England.

Betty said...

Beautiful Sedum blooms! Always dependable...your garden looks does my friend's, Marion, who lives in Wales. We are in a drought and appreciate each precious drop in rain that falls in south Georgia.

Betty @ Country Charm

Japolina said...

I never knew that turtles ate tomatoes! Thanks for this pretty post.

DJan said...

That turtle is absolutely stunning! I love its colors, and glad he had a tomato to devour. Summer is half over now, there's still plenty to go! We are having our first real heat wave here in the Pacific Northwest this weekend, could reach 90 degrees in Seattle! :-)

La Maison des Plaines said...

Hi! Jo,

Love sedums! They are so hardy and we enjoy them every year too.

What a delightful turtle. The colors are fabulous and he most certainly is enjoying that tomato. lol
I do adore the birds nesting box. Amazing! the "objects" they gather to make their home comfy.

Thanks! for sharing this sweet post.

Have a beautiful weekend!

Blessings & Hugs,

Michelle said...

Your Lantana looks so lovely! I had a hanging basket of it last year and really enjoyed it.

Custom Comforts said...

Love your little wren's nest and how it speaks of her character and decorating style. So precious and sweet!

Christine said...

Wonderful post this morning Jo! The little turtle is so sweet enjoying his snack. I have a little female box turtle that comes quite often to enjoy the figs that have fallen off the tree. If my guess is right your little visitor is a male with his bright orangey red eyes; the females have brown eyes.

cheshire wife said...

I have never thought of sedum as a late bloomer but you are right. For me it is the flowering of Japanese Anemone that indicate the end of summer and here they are already on flower - weeks earlier than usual.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i did not know turtles eat tomatoes, I know they like lettuce. so i am thinking just give them a salad for lunch. love the sedum, and its name

Patsy said...

Lovely late summer blooms you have. We like finding visitors in the garden if they don't bite or attack.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I've totally forgotten about Sedum and will have to see if it's getting ready to bloom here--All my flowers have had a hard time this year.

But what an ice surprise visitor, terrapins are my favorites to see!

I hope you're doing well, and enjoying your weekend!!

DeniseinVA said...

A lovely collection of photographs Jo, the ones of the turtle are adorable! I do love turtles and that's a fact. It's been raining here, started early afternoon. Have a great week and I'm hoping that it will have cooled down some.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures and I love the turtle. That is really a surprise visit ; )
Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Oh, what an adorable little turtle! And I just love sedum of all varieties!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I think Olivers kitty fur would make some birdies so happy if the fur was in their nest!
The turtle is so beautiful,, and he knows a good tomatoe when he sees it,
nitey nite