Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Morning Mist

Morning Mist

In the morning, skies so gray,
Before the sun lights up the day,
I chanced upon a morning mist
That left the leaves and grasstips kissed
With the aqua of the dew,
It left a feeling with me, too
Something old and something new;
Something that comes with the mist again,
Never what, but always when.
Author Unknown


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the poem is as beautiful as the photo.

DJan said...

Nice poem! You must have written it because you always give the author, but this one is unattributed. If you wrote it, you did a great job, it's filled with lovely images. :-)

Lisa Sall - Sall's Country Life said...

Lovely poem! I love those dewy mornings!

Nellie said...

Lovely verse, so appropriate. Have you had many mornings with fog in August? Weather lore says that is the prediction of winter snows, but I've never found it to be so.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Doc said...

Loved the poem, fantastic photo as always.

Patsy said...

Lovely poem!

Michelle said...

We have that same morning mist here in central KY. So beautiful!

Susie said...

Jo, The poem goes perfectly with the picture. I also love the two previous posts. Your cat is so sweet looking. Smiles, Susie

George said...

I really like your photo -- and the poem.

La Maison des Plaines said...

Hi! Jo,

Love the morning mist & the sweet poem.

A beautiful "natural" reminder... to be alive :o)

Thanks! for sharing. Have a great week!

Blessings & Hugs,

rusty duck said...

Very haunting photo. Made all the more so by the contrast of the bright white fence. J.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I feel that feeling too!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gorgeous photo, Jo.... Do you know that according to weather lore, the number of fogs in August determine the amount of snow we'll get in winter?????

Hope you are having a great day.

Anonymous said...

This poem and picture evoke memories of hot summer afternoons spent swimming in the creek down a dusty road aptly named 'Hurricane Creek'.
When I come here ( and I do often so leave the kettle on! )I feel as though I am transported to that rhythmic landscape of undulating hills and mountains with their deep, cool valleys. Thanks for allowing this Tennessee transplant to visit often with someone who loves her as much as I do.


trump said...

Lovely shot that strikes a nice mood! Richard