Thursday, March 8, 2012

No Takers

Even the birds stayed inside today.
Rain washing away Winter's grime.


Sewconsult said...

Where in Tennessee are you?
Beckie in Brentwood, TN

Jill of All Trades said...

We've got a nice slow rain here today too. I'm kind of loving it and I'm sure the trees and flowers are too.

Country Gal said...

Miggy says thankyou for your comment ! Yes a rainy chilly day here as well , the birds and squirrels here seem to like though I took photos of them filling their faces in the rain. Have a good day !

DeniseinVA said...

Pretty bird feeder. No birds around here either.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

We have a nice day here, and no takers at my feeders either--I guess they must be off house hunting! :-)

Kay said...

Warm and sunny here today, but we might get cooler over the weekend. Don't think it will rain though.

Merisi said...

Beautiful images!

I observed a pair of blackbirds taking a quick morning bath in the garden pond, but then snow began falling. It did not stop until midday.

Michelle said...

Rain has just about washed it all away today!

Anonymous said...

Cute bird feeder...maybe tomorrow will bring a sunny day for the birds to be out and about!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We had a frosty cold morning. It does not stop the crows from cawwwwing in my bedroom window!
And today we got some sunshine !

matron said...

I love your bird feeder,so pretty,shame there are no birds on it but perhaps you will post again with the birds when they return.

DJan said...

We had thin sunshine through high clouds most of the day, then it cleared off. Today, we will join you in rain.

Mary Lou said...

I don't blame them!!!! I see plenty of food is waiting for them.

Martha said...

I never really thought of some of those spring rains as washing away winter's grime . . . but it's true! And nuturing the up and coming spring bulbs as well!

Deb said...

Pretty photo. We had snow again last night. When will it end???

Mycharmingcolors said...

Love this birdhouse!

L. D. said...

We have had rain all night. It does clean things up a lot but we are still so brown.