Monday, January 2, 2012

Time To Tidy

Oliver has taken to sleeping amongst all the Christmas wrapping paper, ribbon, and bows in the spare bedroom, and now it's time to tidy the chaos, and put everything back in it's place.
He isn't pleased, not even a tiddly-bit.


Deb said...

"What nerve, eh Oliver? Just when you had it purrfect."

roxie said...

Just gotta find a new place to shed.

Wayfarin' Stranger said...

He will soon find another favorite sleeping spot. He would have abandoned that one in time, anyway.

Antiques And Teacups said...

Oliver has a like minded friend Tinker! He disappears and when we have searched everywhere he is among the wrapping and decoration boxes. BUT it's disappearing here as well. They'll find a new nook soon...Now, where is he???

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i just had my heart melted by a dog pic and now it melted again, this is so sweet, Oliver is beautiful peeking through the chair back. one of the other bloggers has a dalmatian named Oliver.

Sharon said...

That does look like a pout. :-)

carol hardie said...

Hi there,i just found you off of Frugal queen's Blog,and i just wanted to tell you how beautiful your pictures and music is,i will come over all the time now,thank you,best wishes from Carol,in Australia.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

They do have a way of letting you know when they're not happy. I have a feeling that by now, you've done something to change that! :-)

Vicki Boster said...

Oliver is adorable - we love kitties here at our house too!

Happy New Year!


黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

She just want some attention!

myomyohi said...

maybe you can leave Oliver a bit of tissue paper in an abandoned box to enjoy for a little while longer....

Terry said...

He's such a handsome boy.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Sweet Oliver-
don't worry
little furry
before you know it
there will be another
and wonderous place to sleep

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Jo, Yes---after Christmas is the time to clean everything up!!!!! No fun---but it has to be done!!! (Kinda like spring cleaning ---in winter!!!! ha)

Snowing here --and cold.. Schools are closed tomorrow.

Maggie said...

He does look cross!
I inadvertently locked my cocker spaniel Ben in a guest bedroom this morning whilst going to and fro with the Christmas stuff, he was not best pleased!

DJan said...

What a handsome fellow, and what a great picture! :-)