Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Winter Days

I'm beginning to get cabin fever, and as the sun shone ever so slighty today, I decided to spend time cleaning the potting shed.

Putting things back in their place.

Wiping away winter dust.

Hanging dried roses from shelves.

"Winter is the time of promise because there is so little to do - or because you can now and then permit yourself the luxury of thinking so."

~Stanley Crawford


黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

And so i like winter !

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We need to do just what your doing- but it looks more fun at your house

cathy@home said...

I love winter for the opposite reason,because summers here are very hot.

Stella Jones said...

... and you keep all those pretty things in the shed? So very pretty. Love the curtains!

Ginny said...

Would love to see more pictures of the potting shed, please share when you have time.

Doc said...

Lace curtains in your garden shed? Well I guess I won't be posting any photos of my garden shed ;o)

Patsy said...

How neat to have a potting shed.
Think Spring!

maddie said...

I like winter when it's crisp and even. But there's permanent mizzle here in the Enchanted Village. I hate January!

Unknown said...

Looking forward to spring for sure.

cheshire wife said...

It is very tempting!

La Maison des Plaines said...


What a lovely potting shed. Now I can't wait for Spring!
Thanks! for the inspiration :o)
Have a lovely day!

P.S. Love your music...just love it!

Anonymous said...

What an elegant potting shed Jo!

Susie said...

Hi Jo,
I like those blue flowers you were hanging with the roses. What are they? I just bought some blue morning glory seeds, I want to try them out this year. We had snow and more coming...but it is winter...Oh Jo, only 61 more days till spring:):)Smiles to you,Susie(She Junks)

DeniseinVA said...

I would love a potting shed like yours Jo.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful and my thought is you have curtains in your potting shed? wow . i do love the things in your potting shed that show up here once in a while.

Rebecca said...

I agree with Sandra (above). What a gentle, cozy place to putter in on a winter day.

L. D. said...

Yes I need to spend some time in my shed. It has to be rearrange and things put back into their places. I may have to through a few things away also. It is a nice, safe haven to go when you can't really be outside. I will run a cord for an electric heater to keep it a little warmer

jerilanders said...

I only wish it were just dust that needed clearing away in my potting shed, but some of my chickens had taken up residence and I don't need to tell you the mess they left me. Oh well, it makes good fertilizer!