Sunday, January 15, 2012

Favorite Paintings


I have a love for old Victorian paintings, in particular paintings that depict scenes of children with their pets in playful settings.
The popular work of English artist Sir Arthur Elsley ( 1860-1952 ) being one of my most favorites.

All of his paintings feature children with animals, dogs, horses, kittens and puppies, and are true to life situations.

His works were so popular during his lifetime that many of his paintings were reproduced as prints, and were often used in calendars, advertisements, books and magazines.

Hard Pressed Time To Get Up

A Helping Hand

Wait A Minute


Shine said...

Oh what gorgeous paintings! So thankful for these beautiful works of art...and thankful for a sweet friend that brings them back to mind:) Blessings~~Shine

Betsy Brock said...

Oh, I've never seen that last one! hahaha...that is adorable!

Anonymous said...

The paintings are beautiful...I especially like the one that has the Collie with tipped ears! Reminds me of our Duke (1986-1994)!

matron said...

These are so sweet,thank you for showing them,they put a smile on my face this morning.

DJan said...

They are so sweet. I especially love the first one with all the kittens. Thanks for sharing these! :-)

Two Cottages And Tea said...

Darling pictures. A friend gave me a greeting card with the first picture you posted on it. Now its framed and looks so cute on my dresser.
Have a good week,
Nancy @ Two Cottages And Tea

cheshire wife said...

In those days children were children as they ought to be.

Patsy said...

They are sweet pictures!

DeniseinVA said...

A wonderful artist, I recognize him. Do you remember a little girl in bed, with an egg in an egg cup on her lap and a little dog at the side of her. Not sure if I am explaining this fully but I loved that one.

Sunny said...

A true srtist! Beautiful renditions of his time.

Mary Ann said...

Love these pictures! Have followed your blog for years but never left a message. Love your home .