I'm sure it it something most of the blogging community, has been faced with at one time or another.
My blog is a newbie, a mere four months old, and I have written a new post, almost daily.
Could be, because it was Winter months, one tends to "nest" and spend more time indoors. Or more to the truth, I enjoy writing about my own little interests, and having a place to document them. The fact that other people find them interesting, and leave lovely comments, is encouraging to say the least.
Lately, I have been working more. Once I return home, there is very little inspiration left in me to sit at the computer and write a positive posting.
Now that the weather has turned warm, I am faced with all the outside work, which needs attention, so my days take me into tackling the gardening chores.
You know how it goes....
I admire the people who consistently write new and interesting posts, everyday. Frankly, I don't know how you find the time.
I will continue to post, probably not everyday, but as often as my schedule will allow.
" Life happens ".........
Be assured, I will find the time to visit with you often. My new "blog " friends have become a valuable part of my world. Our daily chit -chats enable us to swap ideas, share advice, and even give opinions, when the need arises. It's a fulfilling and endearing manner in which to cultivate friendships.
In the meantime "Play Nice" ;)
In my imagination, this is where you'll find me.....

You know, when I started my blog I struggled with this - should I write every day or just when inspiration takes me? And I decided that writing for the sake of writing doesn't do you any favours. Just write when the inspiration takes you! I don't think anyone will stop reading your blog just because of time lags. :o)
I agree with the comment above! Your blogging needs to be if and when you enjoy and have the itch to write:)
The ones who enjoy your blog, will stay with you anway!
I am doing well when I can do 3 posts a week, but now I want to paint more, and do other things too. It's really okay - I and you live only once!
Welcome to the blogging community! Don't worry about posting every day...I've slowed down as time goes by. And there is SO much to do around the house and garden. Still...blogging breaks are delightful!
Just a note...I love the pictures in your sidebar...they are so interesting and beautiful!
Now that we can be out side more I think we will all slow down on our blogs. I don't know how you do it and work full time out side the home.
Hi Jo----I don't think you need to put any pressure on yourself to write a daily blog. Some of the people I follow only write occasionally. It's a personal choice. My thoughts are that IF you struggle with doing it or don't enjoy it, then don't do it...
I don't mind writing a blog --in fact, I enjoy it. BUT--I have a hard time (when I'm busy) answering others' blogs. I do the best I can--and try not to worry about it.
Yes just write when the spirit moves you as they say. It's been lovely to read your blogs they're so interesting.
Don't worry about how often you post, we'll be here!
Jo, when I started, I was only posting once a week. I started more often because everyone else was posting so often (isn't that lame). I love your blog and will keep reading it if you can't post often. I don't work, but now that spring is here, will be outside each day usually till after dark.
Dear Josephine...we are all in the same boat!! I don't have an outside job but there is plenty to do around here and I have aged and can't do things as fast nor easy as I once could. We just got back from the plant nursery and are about to plant the garden as it is supposed to rain for the next four days!Then there's all the flowers too! So I will post if I can find the time! You are on my side bar, when you do post, I will visit. If is two days or a week, it won't matter, I'll be there when you do!
Remember the is for pure enjoyment, don't let it become a job you dread!!!
I'll read whenever you have the time to write! Don't feel badly or pressured. You are always interesting whenever I come down south to visit. Thank you.
Hello. I just did a search for bloggers in TN and stumbled across your blog... All of your pictures on here are beautiful by the way... And yes, I know what you mean about finding the time to blog. I am a teacher, and right now, the school I work at is on spring break. I've taken this time to start up my blog again (after having left it for about 3 years) to start it with a fresh take on life and my own creativity. However, I know that, like you, once I get into the swing of things at work again, my life will be very hectic. So, my goal is to "blog" at least 4-5 times per week. We'll see what happens! Good luck to you in your blogging endeavors as well! :)
Thank you for the kind words of encouragement, I will take the advice, and write when I am inspired.......
I'm humbled to have such sweet friends ;)
Josephine (Jo)
I wish I could write daily and like you I admire those that do - and not only write daily but write with such wit and eloquence.
I agree with Limey. Write when the mood takes you.
Somehow my comments are falling off the internet...
I agree with you about the bloggers who post daily. I wish I could do it with their humour and eloquence but I can't. I agree with Limey. Post when the mood takes you.
I'm new to your site via someone else's (don't ask!) and I know just how you feel. There's no way I can blog everyday as I simply don't have the time.
Having said that, I actually posted TWICE this morning, but they were both a bit of fun and didn't stretch the old brain out of whack.
I look forward to visiting you, when you have time to post.
That cartoon with stove and washer is funny. Make my day. Thanks for sharing.
Love the cartoon! That is me at times. I also struggle to post at times. I have found that I post less often than I used to but now write longer posts. I think that we need to find our own niche that we are happy with and do what suits us.
I have cut way back on blogging because of a very slow computer mostly, but also because right now I'm busy outside and with other things. I blog when I can and when the computer is "behaving." I only have dial-up, which makes it difficult. I will continue to look forward to your posts when you get a chance to do them!
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