Do you ever stop and wonder, what happened to all those "Pie in the Sky" dreams, you made as a young adult ?
As a teenager, maybe a few years earlier, I had two things that were literally "my world".
The first was a dream of becoming a veterinarian....I loved animals, and was always happy to be around them.
My second, was to be a show-jumper.

I was introduced to horses through an uncle, who owned a riding school. I knew very little about their care, and even less about riding them.
Everyday, I spent hours down at the stables. Cleaning out stalls, watering, feeding, grooming, in return, I was given riding lessons.
Eventually, I became a confident rider, travelled and participated in gymkhana's, which in turn progressed into show-jumping.
I won rosettes, and prizes, and most important of all, the admiration of my fellow peers.
My days were filled with horses, I could not think of anything in this wide world, I would have wanted more.....

My uncle was one of the best-known importers of "Irish stock" horses. Their bloodlines far superior in the realms of horse-breeding circles.
I was given a young colt from Connamara, Ireland. It was my job, to break and train him, and show him in the local horse shows, consequently using him as a breeding sire.
It's a hard task to take a young stallion in the show ring, and expect him to remember what he's been taught, when all he thinks about, are pretty fillies everywhere.
Somehow, we made it through, and accomplished our goals together. The hours we spent riding together over the English countryside, will be forever in my memory.
The last time I stopped by the stables, to say "hello" to my old riding friend, he was 26 years old !
He remembered my voice, and the two of us were reacquainted almost three decades after our first encounter.
Several years ago, I wanted another horse. We actually ended up with three. A Tennessee Walking Horse, an American Quarter Horse, and a spirited Appaloosa Thoroughbred.
At the time, we had to lease acreage, in order to have somewhere to ride, not the best option, so we decided to sell.
Lately, I have been bitten by the horse bug once again. I would just settle for a donkey, or a miniature horse or two, something I could groom, or talk to, and feed a carrot at the end of the day.
I'll hold onto those dreams........

Wow Jo---that's something I did not know about you. Keep dreaming---it can come true!!!!
Before I met George, I thought I would be alone and probably still working today. I dreamed of meeting a good man --but never thought I would. Look what happened to me. Dreams CAN come true.
That all sounds idyllic. I hope one day you will get your horses. I never did ride but I do love them, such noble animals with beautiful soulful eyes. I don't get the opportunity very often but I enjoy being around them very much.
Will wonders never cease dear Josephine? I too grew up with a quarterhorse; all I could think about were horses. I swear we were living in a parallel universe or something like that; you know, the two peas in a pod thing. I too want to get a horse again and a pony for my grandchild.
never give up on your dreams! Even if they cost everything you own, or go to another country if it needs to be (that's what I did) :)
I am another Brit in Tennessee and I too wanted to be a veterinarian when I was growing up. It never happened but I have had a lot to do with animals nevertheless.
I love your Blog and the pictures you show us.
Blessings Star
Betsy...dreams do come true then !
Denise..I don't get that much opportunity myself anymore either.
Donna..the plot
Jeannette..I just hold this dream in my heart these days.
Star...we have made similar choices in our lives . I worked for a vet for thirty years, and I am in the accounting field !
Nice to meet you.
I wanted to be a vet too!
The photos on your sidebar make me miss home.
What a lovely posting. I've never been into horses at all but from somewhere my daughter got the bug.
She has had her old horse for over twenty years but I don't think she ever wanted a career from it. Just an expensive hobby according to her husband.
Wow...I had similar dreams. And I did spend a lot of time around horses when I was young. Though I didn't progress the way that you did. I entered some small local shows and did well in Horsemanship and Western Pleasure classes. Loved to jump my sweet gelding over logs. Usually did that bareback. Had no fear (or sense) in those days. :-) I'll always love horses!!
I'm very very impressed with your accomplishments! I hope you get your horse.
I hope you realise your dreams again one day.
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