Thursday, March 20, 2025

Hello Spring

A few days of warm sunshine, and everything is unfolding from a long winter's sleep.

Fingers crossed Mother Nature is not playing a joke.



Were I to live a thousand years,
 I still would know that flaming thrill,
That rush of joy when first appears
 —the golden daffodil.

A thousand times my heart would sing
When purple irises unfold;
Or when forsythia's branches bring
Their dazzling showers of gold.

I could not see an almond tree
With branches all a rosy glow
But that a tide of ecstasy
Would through my being flow

Were I to see, a thousand times,
Blue scilla bells amid green grass,
I know I'd hear their fairy chimes
As I would pass.

Were I to live a thousand years
I'd never watch the nesting birds
Except through eyes bedimmed with tears,
My tongue bereft of words.

Were I to weave ten thousand lays,
Knew I a thousand songs to sing,
I still would lack the power to praise
—the miracle of Spring.

Silver Lining ~Wilhelmina Sitch 1888



jayveesonata said...

What a wonderful poem to celebrate the coming of spring. I was hoping that you were safe from the recent terrible storms that ravaged TN and other places. There was a toronado here in my area, but no injuries, thank God.

local alien said...

Happy Ostara. The flower is beautiful. a lovely sign of spring

Latane Barton said...

I've never heard that poem before. It speaks to me... guess I will read it over and over again and again.