Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Summer's Waning

Incredible blue skies and sunshine today. Lots of the stuff,  we are slap in the midst of summer with this 97 degree heat.
The flowers are fading fast, we have enjoyed their beauty these past few months, but continued heat and watering tends to take its toll.

School childern have returned to their scholastic lessons, our days now eerily quiet.

We have a new set of twin fawns, and momma deer has decided the time is right to make their appearance, sprightly little things, all bouncy and curious. 

Pop-up storms make their way through each evening, a welcomed gesture to cool the night air.
We'll take whatever help we can get.


L. D. said...

It is amazing to see a new set of twins this late in the season. I too am watching my garden fade with all the heat. The summer has seemed to past so quickly. Your photos are great. Our schools will start up soon also.

Jon said...

The twin fawns and Momma are gorgeous - - and so is the magnificent sky. Wonderful photos, Jo! Summer is indeed waning and I'm savoring it.

Louca por porcelana said...

Amazing! Happy August!

donna baker said...

Hello Jo, Sounds good there. It's hot here too. My tomatoes and flowers are suffering along with me. Only time you can go outside is early morning. It's been two years and I'm still caring for my husband. I have to take it one day at a time. I think he got covid overnight so I am keeping him down to keep from falling. He does that all the time normally, but with the exhaustion, I'm having to be really careful with him. I hope your life is good.

Heritage Hall said...

How well you have captured images of this Summer in TN, Jo. The heat has
been invasive with the gardens requiring much more attention than usual.
The new fawns are a delightful sight and add to your already picturesque
surroundings. Thank you for sharing....

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Hello Donna, lovely to hear from you dear friend. Sorry to learn your husband's health issues are still ongoing, sending continued best wishes and healing thoughts sent your way.
I'm still plodding along, albeit slower 😊
Those little ones keep us going no doubt.
Take good care !