Thursday, January 18, 2024

More Snow

I'm beginning to get cabin fever, and just as slightly warmer temperatures arrive, an entire new weather system is headed our way.
More snow, and sadly combined with frozen precipitation.
The school children have been afforded an extra week off school,  and yet their presence outside has been scarce.
Back when my daughter was young she would spend an entire afternoon outside with her neighborhood friends, sledding and building snowmen, only returning to the warmth of  home for a change of gloves, and some hot chocolate. Nowadays, it seems like the children stay inside and play computer games or watch TV.
Times have changed.


Rian said...

Jo, I would never know what to do with all that snow. It's beautiful, but my days would be spent by the fire... with a book and a cup of tea.
And yes, times have changed, kids don't play outside much anymore. When my 3 were young (50 years ago) they would go out in the morning and only come back in to eat or when called.

L. D. said...

You have a beautiful home. I like its style. Your window is a good one to view the weather. I spend a lot of time looking out my windows looking out on that very cold, white world.

Heritage Hall said...

Like you, Jo, I mourn the lack of a real childhood due to preoccupation
with technology and the distancing of the activities that contributed to
connection with nature and self. Your children were fortunate to be
encouraged so.

Jon said...

Children nowadays are missing a lot if they'd rather play videos games than play in the snow. Your photos are always gorgeous. Your home is beautiful and your neighbor the squirrel is adorable.