Saturday, November 19, 2022


Thanksgiving is just around the corner.
We have many blessings to be thankful for this year.
A brand new great-grandson, born a little earlier than his due date, but healthy and growing like a little weed.
A great-granddaughter who fills our days with joy, and keeps us on our toes
Grandchildren, children, relatives and friends, for which we are eternally grateful.
A year of good health, and  peace in our little corner of the world. 
Wishing you and yours a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving dear friends.



Sunday, November 13, 2022

Tea Sipping Day

Mother Nature sent us a hard freeze last night,  blanketing the ground with white,  and  reminding us that winter is just around the corner.

The arctic blast of air lingers, furry Ugg boots, now replace dollar store flip-flops.
I've been working on my Christmas list, accompanied by a portly kitty at my side, and lots of lovely tea. 
Bone-chilling days, but spectacular autumn sunsets.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

November Days

Tonight  our semi-annual clock fiddling takes place once again.
An hour backwards from Daylight Saving Time, affording an extra hour of sleep on these colder mornings.
Just enough time to remind us, that the year is winding down, and soon, a long sleepy winter will be our companion.
A time to regenerate our weary souls, and make new plans for the coming year ahead.
A time to dream.



" It was November - the month of
crimson sunsets, parting birds,
deep, and hymns of the sea, passionate wind-songs in the pines.
Anne roamed through the pineland
alleys in the park and, as she said,
let that great sweeping wind
blow the fog out of her soul.

L.N Montgomery

~ Anne of Green Gables

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Older Than Dirt

I've been busy giving some of the Blue Willow and Staffordshire Ware pieces a bath. 

I'm not sure why, it seems I often get the urge to spring clean in the fall. 
I think it has something to do with the changing seasons, the coolness of the Autumn air, the heady scent of spiced-mix candles magically weaving their spell.

This gathering of antique 'blues' are collectively over a half millennium in age. They are still beautiful after all their years of service, and oh, what stories they could tell !
I often find myself wondering what tales the little creamers could tell, if only they could talk.
Sitting around a Victorian ladies tea table, listening to the latest fashion news from Europe.
Or quietly displayed in the cabinet of a fine Southern Antebellum home laying in wait to be used for a special dinner, in celebration of a loved one, returning home from some foreign war.