Thursday, January 21, 2021

Winter Days

Our days have been filled with glorious sunshine.
The daffodils are shooting up from the ground, offering the promise of spring.
I tidied around the porches and fiddled in the potting shed yesterday, it's hard to stay cooped up when the sun is shining.
After a welcomed, warm and sunshiny day, today it's back to rain, dark and dreary.
A cozy day to enjoy inside.
Wishing you peace, in whatever little corner of the world, you call home.....

Sunday, January 10, 2021

All Creatures Great and Small: Official Trailer

Masterpiece Theatre's 50th celebration kicks off with the new beloved James Herriot series All Creatures Great And Small,  based on the books by James Alfred Wright.
As Wright wrote the All Creatures series as an autobiographical account, to protect his identity, he created the name James Herriot as a pseudonym.
Treat yourself to a nice pot of tea, finish off those left-over Mince Pies, and settle in for a delightful evening of entertainment. Sunday 8pm.
Check your local listings for times.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Tea-Sipping Day

There are whispers of the "s" word in the forecast, just when the sunshine has returned, and green shoots are popping up all over the garden.
I hope the weather-forecasters have missed the mark on this one.

The Christmas decorations were returned to their boxes this morning, another year done and dusted.
We've been spending our days binge -watching Poldark *swoon* on Public Broadcasting Service, my annual donation affords a "Passport" status, allowing unlimited streaming  episodes of Masterpiece Theatre throughout the year.
A little respite in an otherwise chaotic world.