Monday, June 18, 2018

Hotter Than A Pepper Sprout

The heat and humidity is relentless today, even the birds are staying inside their nests.
The head gardener has been house-washing for the past three days, quite the job I can tell you.
My job consists of window cleaning, and keeping a watchful eye out on the worker, as he negotiates the steep roof.
I believe this is more stressful, than doing the actual work !
Well...…not quite.




Susie said...

Jo, All the flowers look so good there. I love the pretty colors. It's been way too hot here also. We have to stay in for longer periods...can't do outside work, like we need too. Stay cool. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Janice Kay Schaub said...

Hotter than Hades here too, and humid. I can't handle that. Almost 100 and humid, so we went for a drive to get away from it for a few hours. I am hoping the weather man is right that it will cool down this week. Love the flowers. 'What has happened in blogger land, I don't get emails anymore and I liked that because I knew when I had comments and could respond. I don't normally go looking for them. Do you know what changed?................great pictures on this post. I love the sunset.
Hugs Janice

Silver in AZ said...

new to your blog. :) Your garden is gorgeous!

Janet @ My Miniature Donkeys said...

Our heat has dissipated - whew! Hope yours has too.

Louca por porcelana said...

Wonderful pictures!

L. D. said...

These are such beautiful sights. I think I have heard the Hotter saying before but never knew what the real words were.