Sunday, July 30, 2017

Sunday Serenity

We are enjoying a lovely serene Sunday.
The weather is simply gorgeous.
 Low humidity but ample sunshine, with white fluffy clouds billowing overhead.
I enjoyed my visit with a dear old friend earlier this weekend, we giggled like school girls, and drank far too many pots of tea.
Days such as these are priceless.



"Peace is when time doesn't matter as it passes by."
  Maria Schell (1926 -2005)   Austrian actress

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Visiting Days

I'm taking some time off to catch up with old friends.
An entire season has passed, and our visits have been few and far between.
There will be much tea-drinking, and giggling and maybe a few tall tales to tell.
Stay well dear ones.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

This Cat

Makes me smile :)

Saturday, July 15, 2017


In just a few short weeks the children return to school.
I remember when my daughter was young, summer break used to span from May until August, but no longer are the school systems on that schedule.
Now their summer holidays run for six weeks, and parents are busily gathering up school supplies and doing their uniform shopping,  franticly ticking off those lists.
Here we are in the midst of summertime, yet the rhythm of life moves along.



Friday, July 14, 2017

Retail Therapy

What a fun day yesterday.
Spending some much needed girl-time together with my granddaughter.
We ran errands, and shopped at our favorite little boutique store.
Late in the afternoon, we finished with a lovely meal at the local Cracker Barrel restaurant.
The little boutique caters to farmhouse style decorating, always stocked to the hilt, I could wander around there for hours.
Here are a few of my favorite things........

Sweet Little Down Pillows

Live Boxwood Wreaths

Robin's Egg Blue Enamelware

Whimsical Tea Towels

Enamelware Canisters

Pretty Little Measuring Cups

Flower Selections

French Crocks

Primitive Light Fixtures

Tea Pitchers


Milk Jugs 
Tea Sippers