Our days have warmed up nicely.
New grass and flowers are beginning their journey to awake.
Songbirds have returned, and there's a nightly croaking of a frog heard at the tiny pond.
Springtime appears.

For winter's rains and ruins are over,
And all the season of snows and sins:
The days dividing lover and lover,
And time remembered is grief forgotten,
And frosts are slain and flowers begotten,
And in green underwood and cover
My, my...what a beautiful place. Spring is really having her way with you, much to your delight, I am sure! And, there's that gorgeous new rabbit. Wow!
Looking good there Jo. Love donkeys. Turkey hens aren't sitting yet or are those the big babies?
Jo, So many turkeys. LOL. It sure is pretty around your house. I know you are loving the pretty days. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie
That is certainly looking like spring! We'll be there...getting there slowly but surely! I saw some buds on our trees and things are greening up!
Still loving that rabbit!
I was reading your blog and trying to hear your accent as I did! lol...Love your yard! Beautiful.
Wonderful pictures! Definitely beautiful in your neck of the woods. :-)
living here I sure miss the hay fields and the pond with the frogs. All we hear now is traffic. (Woe is me)
It is absolutely beautiful there! I need to come up with some new words, I know. :) I think beauty just follows you around. You have two big bunnies! and a row of donkeys! Love, Henny
Wait, wait, wait, Jo. You have donkeys too???
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