I've gone and picked up some kind of delurgy, fever, chills, aches and pains, even my hair hurts.
Sod's Law has a way of appearing, most often when we least expect it.
I'm off to the doctor tomorrow, hopefully he will root through his trusty medicine bag, and produce a potion, putting me to rights.
In the meantime I should heed my own words......

I don't 'do sick' very bravely.
Oh, no! There is never a good time to be ill, and this is probably one of the worst times. I send along healthy vibes for a quick return to good health!
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well Jo, feel better soon. Sending lots of healing thoughts your way.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Get well soon, Jo.
Take care and feel better!
Hello Jo,
Hope you are feeling better soon!
I have read through the last couple of years of your posts tonight! Lovely! I especially enjoyed the ones about the kitties!
No there is never a good time to be sick but especially at Christmas. Hope you feel better soon!
Sorry to hear it! Yes, follow your own advice - and go a step or two further! (Forget the "carry on" part and put yourself to bed and stay there!)
If it's the flu, they can give you antivirals if you get there soon enough. I'm so sorry to hear you are so sick! Get well soon, please, Jo. :-)
Oh Dear One, I am so sorry you are sick. Yes, I certainly hope your doctor will give you something to "blow this bug" right out of the water.
And when you said; "...doctor tomorrow, hopefully he will root through his trusty medicine bag, and produce a potion, putting me to rights."
It reminded me of way-back-when, when our family doctor made house calls! And always carried a big black bag. Which opened up, to reveal all sorts of magical things. :-)))
A lovely memory was stirred, by you. Thank you.
Be well soon!!!!!!!
Gentle hugs,
Sorry to hear that Jo. Get well soon x
It's worse at this time of year with so much to do, isn't it. However, perhaps today is the worse day and you will feel a little better tomorrow (smile).
Hoping you get well sooner rather than later. Oliver surely will help.
Sorry, sure hope you feel better soon.
I hate to hear that you're not feeling good. It's hard to enjoy anything when you're sick. Sure hope you are better soon.
Jo, Get well quick...too close to Christmas . My daughter had some thing starting today also...I did not even hug her hello or goodbye...have to be careful. just take care of yourself. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
·´¸.·´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ .·´Healing and healthy vibes coming to you from my corner of northern Virginia. Take care and I hope you feel better very soon!
This kitten made me laugh, but I hope you will recover very soon!
So sorry for you....I hope you'll feel better for Christmas...:)
Dec. 14th
How are you coming along...?
Hope you are seeing some improvement.
But even if you are, please don't push yourself. Rest. Rest. Rest. Nothing is worth getting done, if you don't feel fully up-to-it.
Gentle hugs,
No time for illness now with Christmas on the doorstep! Hope you're feeling better soon!
Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I hope the Dr. looked in his magic bag and came up with the perfect elixir. Rest and good food on your part will do the rest.
Just remember that there usually is time enough to do everything that really needs to be done so take your time getting well.
Belatedly wishing you well!
Three years ago, both DH and I got the flu in early December and lost 2 weeks to feeling rotten. Hope you're feeling right as rain even as I'm writing this.
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