Monday, July 30, 2012

Morning Surprise

The Morning Glories were planted in the early Summer, and yet despite a show of prolific folliage, sadly NO blooms.

Just when we had decided that the six weeks of drought had taken a toll on them this year, look what we were greeted with this morning...

The vines are bursting with tiny flower heads, and so hopefully in the next few weeks, we'll be once again surrounded in the garden, by a splendid display of Summertime 'blues'....


Was it worth while to paint so fair
Thy every leaf - to vein with faultless art
Each petal, taking the boon light and air
Of summer so to heart?

To bring thy beauty unto perfect flower,
Then, like a passing fragrance or a smile,
Vanish away, beyond recovery's power -
Was it, frail bloom, worth while?

Thy silence answers: "Life was mine!
And I, who pass without regret or grief,
Have cared the more to make my moment fine,
Because it was so brief.

"In its first radiance I have seen
The sun! - why tarry then till comes the night?
I go my way, content that I have been
Part of the morning light!"

~ Florence Earl Coates ( 1850-1927 )


DeniseinVA said...

That's lovely Jo, so glad you got this early morning surprise. Lovely post as always.

Michelle said...

So glad you finally have blooms! They are always so beautiful and I grow them each year as well.

La Maison des Plaines said...

Ahhhh! Jo,

What a beautiful surprise. Morning glories are such an elegant flower vine.

Your blue flowers are stunning! Love the poem :o)

Thanks! for sharing. Have a sunny week!

Blessings & Hugs,

Unknown said...

I love it.
There's always Hope.

Deb said...

They are one of my all-time favorite.

Nellie said...

Beautiful morning glories! The Coates poem is just perfect, Jo.

Sue said...

beautiful flowers, such a lovely Blue, nature is always able to surprise us!

Terry said...

There's no other blue quite like it.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Jo, So glad they finally bloomed... They did take their time, didn't they? BUT--oh how gorgeous!!!!!

I love Morning Glories---and think of YOU when I see them...


Gerry Snape said... of my joys when we have our annual break in Marbella is seeing the hedge covered in morning glory as we come down the hill to have breakfast at the bar. sadly ...none survived here in Penketh this year...too much wet and cold and today is no different!!

Susie said...

Jo, I love that shade of blue morning glory. We got some rain this morning....just enough that I do not have to water. Smiles to you,Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the fence looks like a magic garden to me and the flowers are so beautiful. glad they are blooming for you. this weather all over has been so crazy, some flooded some dry.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I wish we had some of those pretty flowers too.