The Shed...
"In the potting shed, our hearts, the pleasures of home, and the glories of the garden merge. Its practical character eases our garden labors. Its romantic nature enriches our lives. Here is peace, and beauty, and a sense of purpose."
~Linda Joan Smith : The Potting Shed
Hi Jo, Love your potting shed. It just looks like a tiny little cabin in the woods!!!! You are so fortunate to have it... ENJOY.
Love the shed, have a great weekend.
Your potting shed is so nice. I bet you get plenty of pleasure from it!
I love your potting shed. I am going to clean mine out and re-organize mine soon. Wonderful photos. Have a great day !
There is just something special about a shed isn't there! My dad used to love his shed and spent many hours in it, pottering about. He had lots of little jars and jampots in there with special things inside, like screws, nuts and bolts, seeds etc. People didn't have a garage attached to their house in those days so the shed was very important, not for a car, but for all the other things that one wants to keep.
Your potting shed looks wonderful.
Your potting shed is adorable! It looks like a fun place to do some gardening chores. Hope you have a great weekend! How's the knee coming along. Hugs!!!
I think I need a shed like that!
I love the little shovel on the wall.....done that myself here!
lovely! And I don't even DO pot.
Could I vacation in your shed? I love it!
I like the greens very much.
Happy Easter weekend.
Your potting shed is filled with such treasures and such inspiration!
I wish our potting shed looked like that. How charming and inviting!
you have the most magnificent potting shed ever seen by my old eyes. have fun playing
goodness! how have i missed this beautius place? must put on my kettle and settle in for a nice long visit.
My favorite is the Bird Houses.
I love your poem "The Shed"
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