Thursday, April 28, 2011

Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue

I've dusted off my best hat, and plan to spend my entire Friday morning as a virtual guest at Wills and Kate's royal wedding.

The Union Jacks are flying, and I'm gearing to raise my glass in a well-wished toast to the happy couple.
Gawd Bless 'Em.

Three cheers..... Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray !


Ginny said...

So nice, I was wondering what you were going to do. I too plan to watch, we don't have that royalty in the USA, I remember Will's parents wedding like it was yesterday, I was glued to the TV then!!

Stella Jones said...

You and me both Jo! Enjoy the day and keep some tissues by you.

Deanna said...

May you have a delightful time!!!!
God bless,

Doc said...

We might not be worth much at work the next day but we will be joined by a few expat's all dressed for the occasion watching the ceremony live. MeMa insists that our Miss Betty (Corgi) attend as well.

Rebecca said...

Have a wonderful time! I love it that your flags are out and ready.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I'm excited about the wedding too! I have to admit that I took the day off work so I could get up early and watch. I have asked patients all week if they were going to watch and none were--I think they actually are, but are afraid to admit it!! Enjoy your morning!! :-))

DeniseinVA said...

Happy Wedding Day to you Jo. I shall be spending mine with British Friends.

Anonymous said...

Hip Hip Hooray! I'm getting up at some early, early hour to see these two young people wed. They both appear to be very mature...and this will serve them well in their married life! I'll be thinking of you in Tenn. as you celebrate!

Unknown said...

Me too Jo :-)

John Going Gently said...

well done that woman!
our flags are up too

Julie Harward said...

Have a fun day..with them..and may God bless their marriage! ;D

George said...

I hope you have a very enjoyable day as you celebrate the festivities.

donna baker said...

Oh, I do love the English and their monarchy. I wish I were an early riser, but I guess I'll have to watch the reruns.

Travel With Lulu said...

Your garden is alway so magical! You may enjoy my wedding posts from England this week. XOL

Tess said...

I was up really early too...couldn't miss it live! I remember doing the same for Charles and Diana's wedding. It was just lovely. The music was amazing. There is nothing better than and English boy choir!!!

Hope you enjoyed it! My English husband just shakes his head that I got up to watch!!

Ashleigh said...

I'll raise mine with you! Cheers to the happpy couple!

laney said...

...your homeland did you was perfectly lovely...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i was glued to the TV at 5 am today and at times got teary eyed watching for hours the cinderella story of kate and will. loved every moment. but did not wear a hat since i dont own one. i loved the carriage ride with the Calvary, my favorite part

Michael said...

You know, I don't think any Brit could NOT feel terribly proud particularly when the stirring Jerusalem was sung in the Abbey's splendour.

Watching it here, stateside was of course not quite as much fun. In fact, except for my friend and I, we were the only ones watching it in this hotel lobby we drove to to get TV coverage. Later, others came in and ate breakfast and barely any one even looked at the screen. To be expected though.

Since then (got up at 3:00 my time), I have been glued to the internet with my shoddy reception reading every bit of news I can.

Must admit, I'm not exactly a Royalist, in fact finding most of them anything but "Royal," but my hope was renewed with William and Kate and how in touch with the people they seem.

The Christian ceremony was lovely, the Abbey stunning with history in full display. I loved too seeing how William is so obviously happy and in love with with Kate. Wonderful.

How refreshing too to see Brits actually celebrate being British!

Antiques And Teacups said...

Cheers indeed! We flew our Union flag as well...quite nostalgic! My husband was a Coldstream Guard at Buck House, so he had thought he wouldn't watch but watched it with me and was quite touched by the pageantry...brought back some memories and a surge of pride in being a Brit. We visit often and loved it.