Tales of a British expat, transplanted into the lush Tennessee countryside. Lover of old, time-worn, and antique. Tea-drinker, flower-grower, animal-nurturer.
Friday, November 27, 2009
The Comforts Of Home.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Best Of Bluegrass and Irish Music.
I need a little inspiration, as with most of us at this time of the year.
All the shopping, decorating, cooking, list-making, errand-running, it all seems to overwhelm my spirit.
Oh, I'll get there, but I need a little encouragement.
I've played this video previously, but since it does the trick, I'm playing it again.
If this doesn't get you reeling......nothing else will.
Yip !
Please be sure to turn off the PLAYLIST by scrolling all the way to the bottom of the sidebar, and clicking the large ROUND button.
Videocredit: Youtube/tarodnet
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
A Feline Visitor.
To say I'm a cat-lover would be an understatement, I adore cats.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Home Sweet Home.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Nesting Days.

I always think better over a cup of tea ;)
Monday, November 16, 2009
An Imposter Amongst Us.

Your house is on fire and your children are gone, "
Ladybugs or Ladybirds as they are called in England, were always considered a sign of luck, if one was to land on you.
As I am sitting here writing, there are three ladybugs (ladybirds) walking across the ceiling. These warmer than usual Autumn days, today 74 degrees would be a reasonable explanation for these cute little bugs to still be present, or so I thought.
After a fellow blogger also commented on the prolific presence of the ladybugs I started to wonder, why they are still hanging around the garden and now inside the house, daily.
It turns out that the true Ladybug bright red with spots with which we are all so familiar, is being threatened at an alarming rate, by an impostor Ladybug, The Harlequin Ladybug.

Harlequins are native to Asia but were introduced to the U.S. a quarter of a century ago to control aphid populations.
Besides just being pesky, the Asian Lady Beetle also emits a distinct odor when they are disturbed (such as when you try to swat at them in your house) or when they gather in groups. They also can leave behind a yellowish liquid that can stain carpets or other surfaces.

Saturday, November 14, 2009
The Little Home.

Edgar A. Guest
The little house is not too small
To shelter friends who come to call.
Though low the roof and small its space
It holds the Lord's abounding grace,
And every simple room may be
Endowed with happy memory.
The little house, severely plain,
A wealth of beauty may contain.
Within it those who dwell may find
High faith which makes for peace of mind,
And that sweet understanding which
Can make the poorest cottage rich.
The little house can hold all things
From which the soul's contentment springs.
'Tis not too small for love to grow,
For all the joys that mortals know,
For mirth and song and that delight
Which make the humblest dwelling bright.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Signs Of The Times.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Out And About.
I had errands to take care of in the next County, and the quickest way of getting there would have been to take the interstate.
I really don't care much for interstate traveling, despite the convenience and time saving of it all, I find myself in a nervous frenzy when I arrive at my destination. There is just something unnerving about traveling down the highway at seventy miles an hour, in the 'rocking chair' of four eighteen -wheelers.
Instead I usually opt to take the country roads. The scenery is much more friendly, and if I see something of interest, I have the luxury of enjoying it, and even pulling off to the side for a picture or two.

Lest We Not Forget.

It is observed on 11 November to recall the end of World War I on that date in 1918.
Major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 with the German signing of the Armistice. The day was specifically dedicated by King George V, on 7 November 1919, to the observance of members of the armed forces who were killed during war.
To disable the Playlist scroll to the bottom of the sidebar and click the large round button.
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
In Flanders Fields ~ Lt.-Col. John McCrae (1872 - 1918)
Dedicated to all the brave men and women whose unselfish sacrifices and bravery shall never be forgotten.
Video credit: Youtube/DJJetplane/ Music: Dropkick Murphys/The Green Fields of France.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The Old Barn.
Stands an old empty barn; nearing the end.
It has sheltered no animals for many years;
No dairy cows, no horses, no sheep, no steers.
The neigh of a horse; the low of a cow;
Those sounds have been absent for some time now.
There was a time when the loft was full of hay,
And the resounding laughter of children at play.
At one time the paint was a bold shade of red;
Gradually faded by weather and the sun overhead.
The doors swing in the wind…the hinges are loose;
Windows and siding have taken a lot of abuse.
The fork, rope and pulleys lifted hay to the mow;
A task that always brought sweat to the brow.
But those good days are gone; forever it seems,
And that old barn now stands with sagging beams.
It is now home to pigeons, rats and mice;
The interior is tattered and doesn’t look very nice.
Old, abandoned barns have become a trend,
Just down the road….around the bend.
~Vance Oliphant, c. 1999.
(Click to enlarge)
Friday, November 6, 2009
Ode To Autumn.

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Remember, Remember The 5th Of November.
In 1605 Guy Fawkes and his conspirators placed barrels of gunpowder in the cellar of the Houses of Parliament, their intention being, to kill the English King James, and his supporters.
" Remember, remember the fifth of November,
The event is accompanied by firework displays, the lighting of bonfires and the ceremonial effigy-burning of one Guy Fawkes. The origin of this celebration stems from events which took place in 1605 and was a conspiracy known as "The Gunpowder Plot," intended to take place on November 5th of that year (the day set for the opening of Parliament).
The object of The Gunpowder Plot was to blow up English Parliament along with the ruling monarch, King James I. It was hoped that such a disaster would initiate a great uprising of English Catholics, who were distressed by the increased severity of penal laws against the practice of their religion. Houses of Parliament.
Guy Fawkes.
The conspirators, who began plotting early in 1604, eventually expanded their members to a point where secrecy was impossible. One of their number, Thomas Percy (who had contacts at the Court of King James), hired a cellar beneath the House of Lords. Within this cellar were secretly stored 36 barrels (almost two tons) of gunpowder, overlaid with iron bars and firewood.
The plan went awry, however, by way of a mysterious letter received by Lord Monteagle on October 26th (10 days prior to the opening of Parliament). Monteagle, brother-in-law of Francis Tresham (another of the conspirators and likely author of the correspondence...although this was never proven), was urged in the letter not to attend Parliament on opening day. When the message was revealed to the First Earl of Salisbury and others, they took steps which led to the discovery of the hidden cache and the arrest of Guy Fawkes on the night of November 4th as he entered the cellar.
The majority of the other conspirators, either overtaken as they attempted to flee or seized shortly thereafter, were killed outright, imprisoned or executed. While the plot itself was the work of a small number of men, it provoked hostility against all British Catholics and led to an increase in the harshness of laws against them. Even to this day, it is the law that no Roman Catholic may hold the office of monarch and the reigning king or queen remains Supreme Head of the Church of England.
Today, one of the ceremonies which accompanies the opening of a new session of Parliament is a traditional searching of the basement by the Yeoman of the Guard. It has been said that for superstitious reasons, no State Opening of Parliament has or ever will be held again on November 5th. This, however, is a fallacy since on at least one occasion (in 1957), Parliament did indeed open on November 5th.
The actual cellar employed for the storage of the gunpowder in 1605 by the conspirators was damaged by fire in 1834 and totally destroyed during the rebuilding of the Palace of Westminster in the Nineteenth Century. Portions of the original cellar are on display at Sir John Soane's Museum in Lincoln's Inn Fields, London...as is the lantern which was carried by Guy Fawkes in 1605.
Also known as "Firework Night" and "Bonfire Night," November 5th was designated by King James I (via an Act of Parliament) as a day of thanksgiving for "the joyful day of deliverance." This Act remained in force until 1859. On the very night of the thwarted Gunpowder Plot, it is said that the populace of London celebrated the defeat by lighting fires and engaging in street festivities. It would appear that similar celebrations took place on each anniversary and, over the years, became a tradition. In many areas, a holiday was observed, although it is not celebrated in Northern Ireland.
Remembering when I was a young girl, the school children would spend weeks preparing for this event. Collecting bonfire wood, saving money for fireworks, with children and parents alike, participating in the celebrations.
Our pockets would be filled with potatoes, used to throw in the bonfire, and devour once they were cooked......ashes and all.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Watermelon Moon Farm .

You know, the kind that comes in threes.
I desperately felt the need for a "lift", and upon opening my e-mail box this morning, there is was.....
An invitation to my favorite Antebellum home Watermelon Moon Farm, all gloriously decked out for it's Christmas Open House, and just begging visitors to enter through it's doors and step back in time.
Emily and Harold the most gracious proprietors, will no doubt be serving their specialty hors d' oeuvres and copious amounts of Spiced Tea.
The rooms will be brimming, with unique Christmas gifts all hand selected by Emily herself.
As an added treat, there will be a guest author, Candy Paull, author of several nationally published books, including her latest The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year.
I have written about this gem in the countryside previously. It's historical home , cottage industry, working farm and bed and breakfast, are truly a delight for the soul.
I'm marking my calendar as I type.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Heiress Presumptive.
She was twenty five years old.
Throughout her reign, her connection with America, and it's presidents has always been a personable one.
She will soon be approaching her 58th year in public office.
Long live the Queen......