Saturday, September 7, 2024

Autumn Is Calling

Despite sultry August days, subtle signs of changing seasons are all around.

Summer days are noticeably shorter. There is a cooler rush to the evening air.
Down on  main street the shopkeepers are displaying their Autumn wares, and the feel of changing seasons is afoot.
The Summer's Gold Lantana blooms heartily,  as if it knows Summer's loveliest smile, is fleeting.



Jon said...

A feeling of autumn is definitely in the air - - and it seems to be arriving early this year. The days are shorter and it's delightfully cool. Even the leaves look weary. Good weather for a cozy cup of tea.

Belinda said...

There is a definite chill in the air today, a sure sign of autumn coming.

Marcheline said...

I am SO glad the weather is finally cooling down! Have been waiting for this for so long!!