Saturday, February 24, 2024

Winter Moon

Our cold Winter days are finally becoming warmer, offering  some much needed  clean-up time in the garden.
Spring daffodills are waving their sleepy heads in the noon-day sun, and dusk is not appearing until the clock strikes 5:30.

In two short weeks we return to Daylight Savings Time, with Spring  just around the corner.
Later this evening a bright  Full Moon fills the night sky.



Brightly the moon like a jewel is beaming,
White in the east, o'er a lone landscape gleaming,
Over the meadows and over the snow,
Glimmering, shimmering, silvery glow.

Low in the east, when the gloaming is ending,
Slowly this white winter moon is ascending,
Looming so large and appearing so nigh,
Satellite framed by a star-spangled sky.

High in the sky, with soft radiance teeming,
Nigh to the time when men, women, are dreaming,
Weird is her splendor on valley and hill,
Cold is her gleam upon river and rill.

Brightly the moon like a jewel is shining,
White in the west she is slowly declining,
Beautiful Moon ! Which beams gorgeous and grand
Over the homes of our own Native Land.

~Charles Nevers Holmes. 1926.

Thursday, February 15, 2024


Two days of continuous rainfall, water standing ankle-deep, I'm beginning to think a pair of webbed-feet would be fitting.

Temperatures are unseasonably warm, and will remain so throughout the week.

There are shoots popping out of the ground everywhere, which is a little discerning, since we are still in the depths of winter, and snow is still a possibility.
I think Mother Nature has a wicked sense of humor.
Row, row, row your boat......



Wednesday, February 7, 2024

February Days

Our days have been filled with glorious sunshine.
The daffodils are shooting up from the ground, offering the promise of spring.
I tidied around the porches and fiddled in the potting shed yesterday, it's hard to stay cooped up when the sun is shining.
Wishing you peace, in whatever little corner of the world, you call home.....

Friday, February 2, 2024

News From Gobbler's Knob

Rabbits have been making a show in the garden.
Nibbling on the new shoots of grass.
The songbirds are once again appearing , a good sign that life is beginning to awaken.
Punxsutawney Phil  has predicted an early spring, maybe in these southern states, the poor folks in other parts of the country, digging out of the snow, will be harder to convince......
We're having a balmy 67 degrees of sunshine today, how's that for a lovely treat !