Sunday, August 1, 2021

Being Close

Tom-Tilly has taken over Oliver's basket.
I think she can still smell his scent on the willow and it brings her comfort.
She's now the Alpha cat, Bless her.



L. D. said...

Tom does like being there.

DJan said...

Such a sweetheart. I too miss Ollie.

Kathy said...

I'm sure she feels Oliver's presence in that basket.

Edna B said...

Tom-Tilly is beautiful. What a great photo of her in the basket. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Yvonne said... adorably sweet.

Winifred said...

Bless her she's gorgeous. Lovely photo.

Henny Penny said...

Oh, I can just see beautiful Oliver sleeping there. Tom-Tilly sure is pretty too. You know, I think Smokey still misses and looks for Weetie. They were big playmates.

Kim said...

Sweet girl. She's in charge now!