Monday, March 1, 2021


 The calendar says Winter, and yet daffodils are in bloom.

The first snowdrops dangle from green stems.
A sweet scent, like a hundred daffodils blooming in a distant wood, perfumes the air.
Green blades cut through dark earth.
Buds open on bare branches.
Wind rattles the windows.
Rain splashes against the panes.
The promise of spring stirs my heart.


Deanna said...

Spring is just around the corner here in Kansas, but you are ahead of us. Daffs are so lovely, I hope to plant some for Spring 2021.
Blessings to you,

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I love the awakening of a new season, and you have, as always, captured it perfectly. ❤

Lori said...


Yvonne said...

Your post is sunshine for the soul. While it may be the beginning of spring in your wonderful gardens, it's still but a dream here in my part of Tennessee.

DJan said...

Oh, so lovely!

barbara woods said...

And getting tired of rain, rain, rain!

Rian said...

Spring is my favorite season... and Easter my favorite holiday. This spring and Easter are so looked forward to.

HappyK said...

Looking forward to when the first daffodils sprout up around here - afraid it won't be for a while yet though.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Oh, thank you for the daffodils! We always had them in our yard when I was a child, but here in Houston, the weather is not kind to them, so they do not naturalize. They always make me happy, and make me think of Wordsworth's poem.

Edna B said...

I'm jealous! Your flowers are so beautiful! It's still too cold here for any blooms, although there is a lot of greenery coming up through the ground. Enjoy your beautiful flowers. Hugs, Edna B.

L. D. said...

I love daffodils and yours are looking wonderful. I will have them in another month.

Lowcarb team member said...

Beautiful daffodils.

All the best Jan

Bernideen said...

I just need a warm day now and my daffodils will open. I do see just two open ones getting some South sun. Yours are delightful. I know your garden will be so wonderful in the days ahead and look forward to seeing it!