Tuesday, January 7, 2020


I'm committing myself to doing a little dusting today.
Where does all the dust come from in the wintertime, it shows up uninvited every day.
We change the filters in the central heat system faithfully on the first day of the month, but no matter what, there always seems to be a layer of dust covering the tabletops.
Funnily enough, when warmer weather arrives, and I'm busy pottering outside, It doesn't come calling..... *smile*.


Rian said...

Jo, I was doing a little dusting today (first sadly to say since Thanksgiving cleaning) and I was noticing that even using those new Swiffer fiber dusters that it all flies away and then after I'm done, just seems to settle back where it was. Hardly worth the effort.

Winifred said...

It doesn't make any difference what the weather is or the time of year here, the dust is there. I'm always baffled by it. It shows up particularly on dark furniture which like you I love. I can understand it could come from the carpets but I have no idea how our bathroom always has a layer of blue/grey dust on the white tiled floor (big mistake) and the wall tile edgings. Very weird!

Might do a bit of hoovering and dusting tomorrow. If I feel like it!

L. D. said...

I think the heating systems help make it move. We had so much dust when we first moved into the 13 year old house and with continual change of filters it is a little better. The people must have done a lot of painting and work on the house for selling it as it was in the heat vents.

Lowcarb team member said...

I did a little dusting the other day, rewarded myself with a nice cup of tea :)

All the best Jan

DJan said...

I have a friend who got an air cleaner and her dust just went away. It sounds like it would work for me. Instead, I write myself notes in the dust. :-)

Heritage Hall said...

We have an Eden Pure portable unit in the bedroom that
works very well...just have to vacuum the small filter
occasionally, but otherwise, it earns its keep.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

How interesting, I shall look into that machine.
Thank you for the recommendation.

Susie said...

Jo, I have always hated dusting. I used to tease my daughters about spraying our cat with endust and chasing her thru the house to dust. LOL. Your table shines, so you did a fine job dusting. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Edna B said...

Somehow, the dust always seems to win the battle. I've learned to make peace with it. When it gets to close to me, I vacuum a lot of it away. However, those dust bunnies have so many relatives an d they move right in. haha. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Snowbrush said...

Long time, no see. Dust comes from our bodies in the form of dead skin cells, and also from putting clothes on and taking them off. I now have five indoor cats, so no doubt dust comes from them also.

Janet @ My Miniature Donkeys said...

I'd be willing to vacuum the house daily if I never had to dust again!

Bonnie said...

I sure here the dust and at my age I never get finished!