Wednesday, September 10, 2014

In The Bag

Somebody has been a very, busy little kitty today.


Terry said...

What a doll!

Country Gal said...

Cute photo !

DJan said...

It's in the bag! :-)

Deb said...

If not a box, a bag will do. Very cute. I'm so glad you kept him. :)

Nellie said...

We had a cat who just KNEW every bag we had was his own special toy! Very cute!

Linda Kay said...

Well, at least she picked a bag that blends with her coat. Love those little paws with pink pads on her gray body.

donna baker said...

I love to watch cats playing in shopping bags. We used to cut a small hole the the other end and wiggle our fingers. The cats would go crazy diving into the bag to get at that finger.

Kathy said...

Love this picture. It's something my cat would do.

Jo said...

What a cutey!

Janice Kay Schaub said...

wow and a bag to match

Henny Penny said...

Oh, that just touches my heart.

Anonymous said...

how sweet!!!

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet cat. Sleep well, Tom.

Tasha T

DeniseinVA said...

What a cute kitten and a sweet photo Jo. Have a great weekend :)