Monday, February 11, 2013


Mum, is this my best side ?


Deb said...

Oh, he looks so proud of himself. All that's missing is a tie. hugs, Deb

Country Gal said...

Oh handsome Oliver ! Lovely photo !

Ginny said...

Oliver I don't think you have a bad side :-).

Deanna said...


DeniseinVA said...

Oh he is a great poser for the camera. So handsome :)

Yvonne said...

Always a cutie!

Nellie said...

How beautiful!

Terry said...

Very dignified there, Oliver.

Mary A said...

Oliver looks so happy and healthy! Darling little pink nose and lips... Mary A

Andrea said...

Oliver, there could never be a bad side for you!!! You are beautiful!


Susie said...

Jo, Your Oliver is a really pretty cat. I know you must enjoy him. xo,Susie

John Going Gently said...

He looks like a Disney cartoon!

donna baker said...

Oliver looks different. Perhaps it is because he's awake. My kitties are thundering through the house right now, playing chase.

Janneke said...

Oliver looks at you thinking : "Your my best friend".

Anonymous said...

He really is such a handsome little gentleman.

Jen said...

He is beautiful. What a poser Oliver is!!
Lovely photo for Valentine day.

L. D. said...

Oliver is such a handsome cat. He was really posing for you.