Saturday, November 5, 2011

Autumn Mists

The morning mists, quietly gather and gently wrap the rain-soaked earth.

Morning Mist

In the morning, skies so gray,
Before the sun lights up the day,
I chanced upon a morning mist
That left the leaves and grasstips kissed
With the aqua of the dew,
It left a feeling with me, too
Something old and something new;
Something that comes with the mist again,
Never what, but always when.


Sharon said...

Good Morning, Jo!

I slept in - late! No morning mist for me today, ;-)

Have a great day, think it will turn out to be a nice Saturday!

Angie said...

What a beautiful photo and the poem captures it perfectly.

Anonymous said...

beautiful photo and the accompanying poem is perfect

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I love the mist in the mornings and in my rush to work, I wish I could stop and take a picture of it--It's so lovely, just like the verse!

Country Gal said...

Lovely photo and poem. Our Saturday turned out beautiful. Have a good evening.

Terry said...

Just lovely, Jo.

Kay said...

I love this photo and I really love the birdhouse. It looks like a "bird condo".


Mary Ann said...

Beautiful poem!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I love mist, and I love this poem and photo!

Betsy Brock said...

That photo just makes me feel cozy! Put the kettle on, Jo! :)

Stella Jones said...

That is a mist, very spooky. Looks very Novembery too, doesn't it. I see the geese are back! Thank you for your welcome!

Anonymous said...

hi to all abritintn.blogspot.comers this is my first post and thought i would say hello to you all -
regards speak again soon
garry m