Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sweet October Rain

Mother Nature heard my plea and sent rain to this lush Tennessee valley today.
After fifty days of sunshine, the ground is parched and dry.

If you listened carefully you could hear the trees and flowers, heaving a big sigh of relief, their roots and foliage drinking in every last drop of moisture.

"Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain."
~Author Unknown


Emptyhead51 said...

Could you please send some of that rain my way, Estill Springs could use a little. (;

Stella Jones said...

Ah yes, I know that sound so well. In my garden over here, it also brings the sound of snails and slugs chomping away. It's really weird but everything has its place so I don't kill them. I just grow more of the plants that they like.
Lovely picture.
Blessings, Star

Anonymous said...

So glad for your rain!!

I vote this the most beautiful post I've seen today!♥

Vickie said...

Us, too, here in East Texas. The ground is dry and sand was blowing everywhere, we lost some trees and shrubs, and the grass was brown and crispy. It came a gully-washer yesterday. Seems like everything seems to smile and green up almost immediately! Glad you got some, too...

Barbara Anne said...

How wonderful for all of nature around you! I join in the respectful request for a day or two of quiet rain to quench the thirst of all outdoors here in Virginia.

Love the picture!

I am sewing quilt blocks and am enjoying your playlist as I sew. Ta!


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Glad you got some, Jo.... We have gotten not ONE DROP here... SO frustrating...


Christine said...

What a beautiful rain-kissed bloom!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

There really is a sound of relief after the rain has come when it has been dry for so long!

Sharon said...

What rain? Where? We didn't get any! :( Well, there are still clouds around, we still have a little chance......
Glad you got some!

Becca's Dirt said...

Love that quote. Glad you got your rain. I love rain and have been missing it so bad lately. It's been about that long for me too. Rain is in the forecast today but only a 50% chance so who knows. After today no more in the forecast. Send me some moisture.

Verde Farm said...

How beautiful. So true about rain, it is like a cleansing when you haven't had it in a while. We all need that cleansing sometimes :)

Louise said...

There is nothing like a sweet, soaking rain to freshen everything up, including your spirit.

Doc said...

We have just the opposite here, so in between the rain I managed to prune an ailing cherry tree and dream of sunshine

Betsy Brock said...

Lovely! I love rain...when I'm watching from inside!

George said...

Please send some of that October rain this way -- we need it too. I like the raindrops on that Morning Glory.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

A wonderful macro.. always beautiful with water droplets.

Larry said...

What a spectacular photo of the morning glory... L

L. D. said...

It is such a blessing to receive some rain after you served such a long time without. Our ground is cracked now and the snow will be all we will get to take that away.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

magnificent! now I am hoping we will be blessed with rain just like yours. wonderful flower

MadSnapper n Beau said...

magnificent! now I am hoping we will be blessed with rain just like yours. wonderful flower

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Hello Jo,
We could sure use more rain here in Kansas...we've hardly had any since the 4th of July weekend. Makes it hard to grow new grass! Enjoy your day.
Maura :)