Tuesday, October 26, 2010


And when the winds moan wildly,
When the woods are bare and brown
And when the swallow’s clay-built nest
From the rafter crumbles down;
When all the untrod garden-paths
Are heaped with frozen leaves,
And icicles, like silver spikes,
Are set along the eaves;

Verse from: The Old Homestead by Alice Cary, From Friends’ Intelligencer, Volume XXV, Philadelphia, 1869


AJ-OAKS said...

Love the pic of the house.
Beautiful verse.
And yes, please put the kettle on! :)

George said...

I prefer to think of it as neglected, rather than forgotten.

Sharon said...

Lot's of those old places here in TN, huh?

Christine said...

Just love old houses, they just tug on your heart strings! Love the old tin roof.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Nice verse...
And did I tell you I like old and rusty things... beautiful old house.

Anonymous said...

I love those old houses or huts..It has so much to tell..Who lived there..what was they doing..ect ect.

Nice nature and poem too..may you have a beautiful day!!

Rebecca said...

So much poetry is like the forgotten house... Tucked away to be discovered; waiting to be appreciated and revived...beautiful for the way it has weathered the passing of time.

Hilary said...

I love the rusty tin roofs and the peeling paint.....ah, yes..I LOVE old houses, old buildings, old barns.
Looks like you have plenty of them around.

Barbara Anne said...

I hope someone comes to love this sweet home and bring it back to life.

Sweet verse.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I just love old houses and this one says its story without words. sometime in the past lives were lived here, some happy and some not. I do so wish we could save some of our old houses and restore them, even the ones like this one.

Jill said...

Very nice post. I love the verse. The pumpkins in the picture to the side are beautiful.

Country Gal said...

Love the photo and poem ! Its a real shame that there are so many abanded buildings !

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Good Morning Jo!
Such a shame to see some of these old home sitting forgotten and neglected. There is an old farmstead that is abandoned that I'd love to photograph one day. Unfortunately it is too over grown to take pictures when the leaves are on the trees so maybe later this fall I will go over there and get some pictures...it even has a barn! Lovely verse Jo...suits your photo perfectly. I hope you're having a wonderful day.
Maura :)

Doc said...

I love the verse. Someone loved this place at one time, the porch swing tells us someone sat and relaxed in days gone by.

About Cassandra said...

This lovely poem certainly resonates with me - I recently closed down/winterized our upstate New York farmhouse - only to return next May...how I will miss those woods and winds, those swallow's nests, and the "untrod garden paths" for 7 long months! Thank you for this posting! Cassandra ♥

Louise said...

I often wonder, when I see an old, abandoned home, about the first days of that house. Was it built with loving hands, by people who would spend a lifetime there? Did children run in and out of its doors? And, is there anyone now, who remembers what it was like to live happily there?

Patsy said...

On our trip I saw 3 old houses. wish I had taken pictures of them. Now when I see them I think of you and your poems.

Dee said...

I would love to spend some time on the back roads of Tenn. looking for homes like this one.♥